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Edderz (DayZ)

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About Edderz (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Edderz (DayZ)

    Still stuck on loading screen

    it hasnt worked for longer than that :/
  2. I am stuck on the loading screen after waitinf for character to create using the latest beta patch and 6 launcher still not working i had it working a few weeks ago and now nothing can something please be done starting to really annoy me
  3. Edderz (DayZ)

    Still stuck on loading screen

    i have six launcher and i usually leave it about 10 :/
  4. Hello a few weeks ago ni was playing dayz fine logged out and now doesnt worked tried all recommended fixes etc i think it could be the server side issue so can i get a character reset or something i am really just wanting to get back on the game :(
  5. Edderz (DayZ)

    Help - Stuck at "Loading" screen

    also stuck on this problem tried everything to fix it even spent all day redownloading arma 2 and oa got latest patch tried all different ways of installing dayz
  6. Edderz (DayZ)

    Grouping of some sort

    Hello i am relatively new to Dayz but i try my hardest to play with my brother and his friend and i am sure that this has become apparent to alot of other people playing in groups but i think there should be some way of grouping people together and give them a party chat or something and all in all just a way of finding eachother because sitting there trying to figure out where people are and gettting to them is almost impossible all while avoiding zombies and other survivors as well