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Everything posted by kalle88l@hotmail.com

  1. kalle88l@hotmail.com

    why does gear disappear from vehicles?

    Hello Brady, Check out this link: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=10198 It has numbers in the format xx/xx/xx for each car and this is inventory space. The numbers mean the following: Magazines/Weapons/Backpacks Note that survival gear (axes, compass, knife) count as weapons and so does binoculars and NVGs. Most normal loot (food, drink, car parts, medical stuff) count as magazines. Having big problems with this bug too, looking forward to the fix! Regards Kalle
  2. Happened to us again, this time it was both the white off-road pickup and the blue van.
  3. kalle88l@hotmail.com

    LU 48 Community thread

    Welcome to the LU 48 community thread. I'm the owner of the DayZ server LU 48 and this thread has the purpose of introducing you guys to the community I would like to build on this server. I would like to see that a majority of the players on this server are returning users and therefore build relationships to the other players and react according to that. A feared group of bandits that you run from or the kind guy that helped you a few days ago. I mean who would you shoot on sight? ;) To support this community we wish to give the players on our server a place to discuss their experiences and find other like-minded people to join if you wish. This thread is one such forum and our TeamSpeak another (an IRC chat will be introduced shortly). I have plenty of ideas for this community and I really hope you will join me in it! TeamSpeak: IP: Pass: SoP If you have any issues at LU 48 please don't hesitate to contact me at dayzlu48@gmail.com
  4. kalle88l@hotmail.com

    LU 48 Community thread

    Hey guys, There are currently problems with the network connection to the Hive. The problems are reported to be slowly going away, the server will however remain offline for a while to ensure there is no corruption of data! Sorry for the inconvenience! Regards Kalle
  5. Cush, As an admin i can tell you that 4-5 restarts is not a lot and admins do not have the power to wipe your loot so please dont imply that they did this too you. This seems to be a random and would affect them as much as you...
  6. Yea I have had this happen twice as well, in the Blue van.
  7. Hey guys, I'm the owner of LU 48 and im sorry to hear about this. I was online yesterday and remember the guys name! I will do some research on what can be done but as far as I know you need more proof to have him banned. Did you have this experience on LU 48? Hope to see you back on LU 48 despite of this!