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About kpl_hicks

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    I enjoy good games and good people.
  1. I thought it was real for a second too. Then I thought"Hang on a minute....If this is real, then this game might just become totally awesome. Pretty sure Rocket doesn't want that. Hmm, yeah fake."
  2. kpl_hicks

    Dayz commander.

    A lot of you could have just answered the chap. Negativity and trolling is so passée.
  3. kpl_hicks

    Pending Update: Build

    Just tried to connect to 8 severs in a row. All had me stuck at loading for longer then 8 mins each. I had to ctrl/alt/del end process each time. I hope your gathering that data also Rocket.
  4. kpl_hicks

    Pending Update: Build

    Seems like a good update Rocket. Just wondering though. I will connect and reconnect a few times to find a daytime sever, as the time zones don't always match what is listed on the server title. (Which is immensely frustrating) I also generally play on US servers,(even though I live in OZ) as OZ and KIWI servers (for me at least), are buggy as all hell.
  5. kpl_hicks

    Bad Version

    This did not work for me also.
  6. kpl_hicks

    Bad Version

  7. kpl_hicks

    Show who you where killed by.

    Yep. Definitely need a kill cam. This will make the game even more dangerous for EVERYONE. As it stands, this game rewards people who camp and hide. You get shot and have no idea where from. There is no way to improve or learn from your death. Except a General form of even more paranoia.
  8. I'm interested, definitely. However I don't use Steam. Any other way of contacting you? Also. What's your average age? Whilst I like having fun in Dayz. I am not sure i want to run around with really young kids. Cheers
  9. kpl_hicks

    War on banditry!!! Join the fight!!!

    Couldn't have put this better myself. Nice work.
  10. I am getting the same problem also.
  11. kpl_hicks

    Server Connection Failed

  12. kpl_hicks

    australian/new zealand players

    Hey. This is great. Think i might jump on now and see if anyone's playing. Cheers
  13. Couldn't agree more with what you have said here...Well put.