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About Dix_Johnson

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I'm being "aggressive" because I'm right. Am I somehow wrong in thinking that having to even bother running away from zombies that I aggro'd through a wall while crawling is detrimental to game play? You miss the point entirely if you think that Im saying not having a weapon at spawn is a bad idea. Hoever, as long as you can get attacked through walls and aggro the zombies two doors over by stubbing your toe - It's a bad idea.
  2. @Battle Rocket I totally did the same thing with a tree only to get stumbled upon by a crawler lol @nightpaws In an open field yes. But sneaking is made completely ineffective when you actually need to do it. Read OP again. @Resident Emil Problem with lots of text? I'm not in the mood for raping my bandwidth with your youtube videos either. If you read my first post you'd realize that I already know how to play the game. It's broken right now and from my own (painful) experiences there isn't anything you can tell me to convince me otherwise (unless you're rocket). Survival is only possible thanks to dumb luck with the current setup. @MadDogX I guess my first post wasn't clear enough in my first post...CANS AND WEAPONS ARE GUARDED BY ZOMBIES NOW. You can't pick them up because they're guarded by a zombie you can't kill (because you have no weapon) or sneak past (because they can hear you through walls). @Flootershai I concur. My friends and I have refrained from calling them zombies and now refer to them as vampires because of all of their super human traits lol
  3. Long time lurker/player first time poster. Spawning without a weapon... I LIKE THE IDEA OF IT. Theres not as much griefing right when I spawn which is nice. HOWEVER, I think this is something that should only be implemented when the player is given more options in regards to defending him/herself (other than firearms). Yes. That's right, everyone. This is another post by a player who is getting really frustrated by not having any way of defending himself at spawn. I've been playing DayZ for a while and I'm very well versed with the ArmA series so I don't want any of you saying "HUURR DUURR LRN 2 CRAWL NOOB!!!1" or "YOU NEED TO BE MORE PATIENT LIKE ME11!!@". I know how to press the Z key and take my time... ANYWAYS! For now I think that the current set up at spawn is rather broken since the procurement of weapons has been made much more difficult as well as several other changes in this latest version ( After a 2 week long hiatus I decided to try the latest version of DayZ... I just suicided/died about 8 times in a row and every single one of my runs went as follows: -Spawn -Don't go to Electro/Chern out of instinct -See a barn -Start Crawling -Approach barn -It's full of fucking zombies ("Well this is new!") -Sneaking is now pointless/impossible because you're forced to move within inches of zombies in order to pick up valuble items that are essential to your survival (which is now a wonderful mix of pepsi, road flares, and tin cans)... -Try anyways because consistant spawning of zombies RIGHT BESIDE every pile of goodies seems to be the new norm. -Inevitably agro every zombie in the building while trying to rifle through useless objects. -Press the sprint key ad nauseum... -Break one of my many glass bones -Give up/die -Respawn Again I LIKE the theory behind not spawning with a weapon. However, it doesn't make any sense in practice (for now). If you're going to spawn me without a weapon I'd like to see one of the following things implemented: - Give me more options. I can't use my own body as a means of self defense and I can't outrun the zombies so unless in future patches I'll be allowed to pick up one of the many large rocks I ran by and start caving in some zombie skulls out of desparation GIVE ME A WEAPON. - Don't make it so weapons/other items only spawn in (very) specific locations that are now individually guarded by blood thirsty zombies that are impossible to sneak by/fight off. - Let me run faster than a zombie. If I can't fight and I can't sneak at least let me be able to run away. Discuss. :heart: