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Everything posted by jenson

  1. It takes way too long to join a server, any chance on a fix for this?
  2. Can this be fixed please? It's getting old. The only time you should break bones is when you fall.
  3. This video shows exactly why the zombies in this game are not fun and instead extremely annoying, glitchy, etc. Make the following changes: 1. Lower the amount of damage zombies do by 10%. 2. Make zombies run 5% slower than players and eventually get tired and break aggro. 3. Stop zombies from zig zagging, this is annoying. Even animals in the animal world don't zig zag towards you, their instinct forces them to take the shortest distance to get to you and eat your face. Zombies follow basic instinctual brain functions like animals. 4. Players should only break bones from falling, not zombie melee damage. 5. Make it so zombies can't teleport through walls, this way when you close a door you're safe until they break it down or something. 6. Fix the zombie animations, they are glitched and messed up. 7. Make the hit detection box on zombies BIGGER.
  4. I love the PVP in Dayz! However the zombies are extremely annoying. There is nothing fun about killing the zombies. They are difficult in an "annoying" way which is not good. I love the PVP though! -------------- You guys don't understand my post. I enjoy killing zombies in every other zombie game ever made except this mod. 1. The zombies can see through walls 2. They aggro extremely easily 3. they zig zag which means they're more human than zombies. 4. when you shoot htem it takes a while before they respond to actually being shot (network problem) 5. Sometimes when you shoot them in the head and you know you shot them in the head they don't die. Basically killing zombies is NOT fun because there are tons of problems. It's hard to aim against them because the animations are all messed up. Something is not right. Examples of killing zombies that is EXTREMELY fun. 1. Killing Floor 2. Left for Dead series
  5. It's hard to shoot the zombies and NOT because it's "challenging", but because it's technically annoying. The animations glitch, they zig zag in a very unrealistic fashion that no zombie in the history of zombie movies has ever shown. When you shoot them the animation doesn't respond instantly. You can't tell if you've hurt it or not. During the process of killing glitched zombies if they get close enough they break one of your bones and it's game over. How do you guys find this entertaining? I understand it's alpha and they are working to improve it but still, will it be ten times better than it is now?
  6. It's good to see i'm not alone. I"m in the same boat as you. I'd like the zombies to be more entertaining but as far as i'm concerned they are annoying, not fun.
  7. You guys don't understand my post. I enjoy killing zombies in every other zombie game ever made except this mod. 1. The zombies can see through walls 2. They aggro extremely easily 3. they zig zag which means they're more human than zombies. 4. when you shoot htem it takes a while before they respond to actually being shot (network problem) 5. Sometimes when you shoot them in the head and you know you shot them in the head they don't die. Basically killing zombies is NOT fun because there are tons of problems. It's hard to aim against them because the animations are all messed up. Something is not right.
  8. I hate zombies, you hate zombies. There is nothing fun about fighting zombies in Dayz. They rob you of glory, they are annoying and show intelligence that far exceeds human (it makes no sense). You kill 2-3 players and are now eager to loot the, yet GLITCHED and BUGGED zombies rush towards you zig zagging, jumping up and down, glitching left & right, you can't even aim at them.... My solution? Make Dayz servers with NO zombies, where players kill each other for survival. This would be epic.... Take out the zombies until the network programmers figure it out. No offense, but if a network programmer thinks its okay for NPC's to operate client side, well... They are morons... No wonder they are working on a free mod.
  9. I noticed that zombies are super intelligent. They can zig zag, dodge attacks and move faster that normal human speeds. I also noticed they can run through walls and can hear and see beyond any obstacles. They can also withstand multiple gun shots before dying which is authentic. However, I believe there should be more. Perhaps zombies should be given certain communicative devices so they can report to each other on the where about of live humans? I was thinking of certain zombie assault rifles. Zombie mp5's that are able to launch missiles at their human targets. Let's be realistic, Zombies are highly intelligent, far smarter than their human counterparts. Since zombies are super powerful and intelligent, perhaps they should have science facilities setup in remote areas in the area. Then we would have to fight past all of the super intelligent zombie soldiers who employ high level tactics. Only after 100's of human players die will we penetrate their defenses finally neutralizing the zombie queen. She is highly intelligent responsible for all the zombies being super smart and destructive. The zombie queen. She is responsible for all of the high level zombie tactics. The zombies can easily coordinate attacks from multiple directions upon their human targets using "ZOMBIE GPS" which they use to their advantage. How can we fight against this? I believe that if we find enough Jerry Can's we can achieve our goals. If you spin around in a circle fast enough with a jerry can full of water you can generate enough momentum to knock zombies unconscious, this way we can tie them up and question them later. We have to find out how they are smart enough to zig zag and run through walls. This technology they possess to run through walls will be the key to our survival.
  10. There is a way, I figured it out.
  11. Does this mean zombies are going to be made more difficult or easier to deal with?
  12. Two things that are making this game less fun. 1. Bones breaking too easily from Zombie melee. 2. Zombies are too annoying.
  13. I just got this game. Is there anyway to start with a weapon? Like a stick? Just something to defend ourselves with. ANYTHING. If the mods aim is to capture realism, then weapons can be made from almost any objects. Just anything to give more realism since most objects can be used as a weapon, blunt metal object, etc. A trash can lid as a shield and a broomstick. ANYTHING. I notice I spend A LOT of time running around not accomplishing anything except running from zombies because I have no weapon. Yesterday I got lucky and found a hatchet, but the enemy can still get lots of hits in when you use the hatchet. Maybe a way to block, just until I find a weapon? I actually did manage to find a shotgun but the zombies seem to be able to teleport around you which makes it hard to shoot them. They end up in front of you but then glide to the right real fast then end up in front of you again which makes it hard to shoot em. Also it seems the zombies can hit through walls which is annoying but i'm sure this will be fixed eventually. I know this is alpha, so it's all good, this is just my 2 cents so far. Thanks for readin!
  14. jenson

    Insight from a brand new player.

    I'm not a new player anymore. I figured out how to play the game, but I figured it out through meta gaming, NOT a natural progression. The game has no natural progression. You META game or DIE. I won't expect the average gamer to understand this simple concept. 1. You die until you figure out how to exploit the zombies. 2. You die until you have a map open in a browser. 3. You die until you have other players in ventrilo who you team up with. Like I said, no natural progression, only a game designed for META gaming. Don't get me wrong. This is a paradise for a player like me, because I get to completely destroy other players. But this is the TRUTH. The game needs to allow new players to fend off zombies with blunt weapons like shovels, broomsticks, sticks, ANYTHING. That will increase the player base and give us player killers more targets to kill. Let's give the noobs false hope so i can slaughter them and take their stuff.. LAWLZ
  15. The problem is that you can't break off a tree branch and use it as a melee weapon. Normal intelligent humans can make weapons out of any blunt object. This is where the game puts an ENORMOUS burden on new players. If you want to capture realism, DO IT. You can make a blunt weapon out of almost ANY object. Allow new players to grab a shovel, a stick, a broomstick, ANYTHING to hit zombies with. Another issue is that crouch sneaking doesn't make that much noise imo. The game in its current state is designed for WAY above average gamers. It will NEVER ever reach a casual audience.
  16. Not starting with a weapon is unrealistic. 99% of humans would pick up a stick, a pole, a broomstick, a shovel. You can't argue against this. Also, I don't think players can disconnect while you're shooting them can they? Once you get the jump on a player, see him before he sees you, he's dead right?
  17. jenson

    Insight from a brand new player.

    That's funny. Now counter argue this simple argument. Why can't we start with a STICK to hit enemies with. Basic survival 101, make a sharp pointy object if you have nothing to defend yourself with. Can't argue against that can you? VICTORY. If your leg bones are broken, how do you climb up ladders? This is alpha, I understand. But still.