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Everything posted by SamStrife

  1. SamStrife

    Short fun with stats

    28 Years later. This is the sequel to those films.
  2. SamStrife

    Ladders: The true scourge of DayZ

    I have never fell off a ladder and I've climbed hundreds of them. My secret, hold Left Shift (walk) all the way up or down the ladder and you can do whatever the hell else you want. Thank me later.
  3. SamStrife

    DayZ Stories

  4. I had just stocked up on a ton of gear in Cherno and was making my way out to head north. I saw a player in front and decided to sneak up on him and see whats up. He got real jumpy, turned around and shit me dead. I'm too trusting :(
  5. SamStrife

    Dogs: Discussion

    The hate for dogs is really weird to me. I can totally understand that you'd be worried that the AI for them is broken and there’s a good chance this may be the case. It seems to me the people complaining are the vocal minority, who exclusively use this mod to PVP (although I could be grossly generalising here – it’s just the impression I get.) If dogs are implemented and implemented well, then it will be awesome. The way it sounds is that dogs will be very rare, hard to quire and not provide a game changing benefit over people who don’t have one. In the best case scenario where it all works well, it adds an amazing layer to the game where the players have a chance to create a real bond and not only value their own lives, but something else’s too. That doesn’t sound like a bad thing to me and if it doesn’t work, it will be cut. I was under the impression that this mod was made for this type of experiment? As for people complaining there’s a slew of other features that need fixing/implementing/sorting first, I’d be inclined to agree with you, if this was a proper game and you paid even a single penny for it. As it is this Mod has cost you absolutely nothing and as such you don’t really have any stand on what direction it goes in. It may sound harsh but that’s the cold hard case and that Rocket is listening to people in the first place shows how much he cares about this mod and its community, so you should be pretty thankful for that. Sorry for such a long post but that’s just my opinion on the subject.
  6. SamStrife

    DayZ Stories

  7. SamStrife

    DayZ Lite/SP/co-op

    There's already a singleplayer and co/op mod out there called Chernarus Apocalypse I believe. I've heard very good things about it.
  8. SamStrife

    Player count per server plans

    Looks like I know what server I'll be playing on tonight then :)
  9. SamStrife

    Player count per server plans

    I think there's a balance that needs to be found where player numbers don't take away from the desolate feeling of the world. Even if you could break records with the amounts of players on the server, would you want to if it meant killing the feeling of isolation and loneliness? I think if the servers maxed out at around 100 players you'd strike a nice balance and that's where I'd like the servers to eventually be at.
  10. SamStrife

    PC Gamer article with features to come

    I really hope the dogs thing pans out well. By the sounds of it not every player will get a dog, it will be something you have to find. That would make them exceptionally awesome, creating a bond with the player you don't really get in games. I look forward to the "Bandits killed my dog and now I'm so sad I could cry" stories.
  11. SamStrife

    MERGED: Booby traps, Explosives and IED's

    This should be in the suggestions forum but +1 for trip wires and booby traps, a la ACE Mod.
  12. SamStrife

    Possible "solution" to the so-called "bandit problem"

    The thing people don't realise is that in about a weeks time all of this will be a mute issue because the people who have come on just to grief will have got bored and moved on. There will be a plateau shortly in the number of people hunting, the number treaming up and people who do both. It's an issue that will solve itself within a week or so.
  13. SamStrife

    DayZ In a Nutshell

    I was just about to say this. Look people, the version we're playing now is an Alpha build uploaded to test the core concept. It isn't anywhere close to bering a complete game and you didn't pay a penny for it. Stop complaining, appreciate what the mod is in its current form and have fun for christs sake.
  14. SamStrife

    Why is this forum so slow at loading?

    I think the server is under a lot of strain. A LOT of strain.
  15. Yes, keeping the player logged on and "killable" for between 15 and 30 seconds should be sufficient. I don't know how viable it is though, considering the limitations of Arma's engine.
  16. The Mod not being afraid of upsetting people is through harsh game play, not broken mechanics. Surely you want this mod to be technically as great as possible, whilst maintaining it's super harsh nature through the game play?
  17. Like you said, EVE Online has had these issues for 9 years, during which time they've made millions of dollars to be able to invest back into the game. If they can't crack it, I don't think anyone can. I would like people who drop out to be punished reasonably and fairly but speaking as someone whose net can hiccough from time to time, I don't ever want to feel unfairly punished for something that is out of my control. Just because the game is "hardcore" doesn't mean you should actively trying to push away newcomers with mechanics like that. It's the same for all online gaming and I fear it's an impossible solution to solve without upsetting someone.
  18. SamStrife


    Isn't it generally up to fans to create a wiki? Why don't you create one and mail Rocket about linking the site?
  19. SamStrife

    We're gunna need a bigger boat...

    Whilst it isn't immediately great for the mod itself (server load, alpha state and what not) it's absolutely incredible for PC gaming and its modding community. Well done Rocket, I hope this doesn't make you lose your original vision for the Mod but you deserve the success that you're going to achieve from this.
  20. SamStrife

    mod: close thread ty

    +1 for forcing 1st person. Helps prevent breaking of immersion, keeps everything fair and makes it tougher on the player.