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Posts posted by SamStrife

  1. If you actually look into how to make a map in Arma 2' date=' it takes a hell of a lot of work. Rocket would be spending more time on map making than coding new features and server optimization. Now if he enlists some of those map makers out there then that would be great but it would still take some time to come out w a polished non buggy map that looked and felt good.

    All buildings are sort of hard coded into the map when created, so adding more would have to be done through the editor, and that can produce more bugs than if done through actually making the map from scratch.

    Chernarus is perfect for DayZ.


    Rocket has actually said the way he's built this mod would make it fairly simple to put it onto other maps in the future.

    As such I would really like to see Takistan. It's huge, it's urban and most all of the buildings are enterable. It has the huge city aspect to it but there’s also the desert area that’s fairly lonesome.

    It would be as good as Cherno and Cherno is pretty darn good already.

  2. All bandits are sinners in the eyes of the lord. They must be purged.

    I was on my way to Cherno because i heard so much about it. So much violence. So much debauchery. It needed to be purified. However' date=' i was naive. I was going to run in there with a flare in my hand and probably fall prey to a sniper. Then i met Bran. He was a bandit but he said he was attacked first. I didn't believe him. So i looked at him and shot. However i had my flares equipped and so i just threw a flare at him.

    But he seemed nice. He said he would take me to cherno and show me all the places where loot spawned. We went in together. I followed him as he led me through the streets. We talked, we joked. He even quoted Gurren lagann my favorite anime. I grew to like bran in that short time we spent.

    He then climbed up a super glitchy ladder to look for loot for me. As he was climbing down, i knew what i had to do. Right before he hit the ground, i unloaded on him. He was able to recover briefly and shoot me a couple times, but I finished him off. That bastard. He asked me "why?". "why'? i replied. "because a leopard can't change its spots, you bandit scum." I didnt touch his gear. It was unclean.


    God damn that's cold! I was expecting a story of how you learnt not to judge people by their looks but wow that's harsh dude.

  3. The hate for dogs is really weird to me. I can totally understand that you'd be worried that the AI for them is broken and there’s a good chance this may be the case. It seems to me the people complaining are the vocal minority, who exclusively use this mod to PVP (although I could be grossly generalising here – it’s just the impression I get.)

    If dogs are implemented and implemented well, then it will be awesome. The way it sounds is that dogs will be very rare, hard to quire and not provide a game changing benefit over people who don’t have one. In the best case scenario where it all works well, it adds an amazing layer to the game where the players have a chance to create a real bond and not only value their own lives, but something else’s too. That doesn’t sound like a bad thing to me and if it doesn’t work, it will be cut. I was under the impression that this mod was made for this type of experiment?

    As for people complaining there’s a slew of other features that need fixing/implementing/sorting first, I’d be inclined to agree with you, if this was a proper game and you paid even a single penny for it. As it is this Mod has cost you absolutely nothing and as such you don’t really have any stand on what direction it goes in. It may sound harsh but that’s the cold hard case and that Rocket is listening to people in the first place shows how much he cares about this mod and its community, so you should be pretty thankful for that.

    Sorry for such a long post but that’s just my opinion on the subject.

  4. This night' date=' I was wandering alone in the woods, when I saw a group of 5 bandits. I began to stalk them from a safe distance, just to see where they were going and if I could profit from it, or eventually attack them when they wouldn't expect it. During 20 minutes, I followed them without anyone noticing it. It was easy as they would stop a lot. Eventually they ran in a group of like 8 other bandits, in a village. Things began interesting so I grabbed my binoculars to watch the scene. They all took cover and pointed guns at eachoter, everybody, from both groups was yelling something like "DONTSHOOTOMFGMOTHERFUCKERSDROPYOURWEAPONSFRIENDLYDONTSHOOTMOTHERFUCKER" etc on the local channel. At this point I had a brilliant idea, and shot one bandit of the biggest group with my little winchester, until he died.

    At this point everybody was batshit and they went full auto at eachotehr while still yelling something like "OMFGOMFGMOTHERFCUKERSTOPSHOOTING" at the same time.

    Everything went to shit and I was doing my best to not wet my pants out of laugh, as those guys were totally going insane on eachother. It was a bloody violent battle, with the voicecom spamming and the dead guys raging over the group chat. I think that at some point one of them totally freaked out and killed almost fucking everybody - including his own friends.

    There was only one survivor. Many zombies also attacked (and many got full-auto'd) and the guy was still totally freaking out, shooting in the corners, running and shit. I finished him.

    Then I came to take the loot. There was a lot of drama this night.


    That is aboslutely awesome!

  5. I think there's a balance that needs to be found where player numbers don't take away from the desolate feeling of the world. Even if you could break records with the amounts of players on the server, would you want to if it meant killing the feeling of isolation and loneliness?

    I think if the servers maxed out at around 100 players you'd strike a nice balance and that's where I'd like the servers to eventually be at.

  6. People need to learn what an alpha is. Give them time to add more content. You wouldn't still be playing if it wasn't fun.

    I was just about to say this. Look people, the version we're playing now is an Alpha build uploaded to test the core concept. It isn't anywhere close to bering a complete game and you didn't pay a penny for it. Stop complaining, appreciate what the mod is in its current form and have fun for christs sake.

  7. Like you said, EVE Online has had these issues for 9 years, during which time they've made millions of dollars to be able to invest back into the game. If they can't crack it, I don't think anyone can.

    I would like people who drop out to be punished reasonably and fairly but speaking as someone whose net can hiccough from time to time, I don't ever want to feel unfairly punished for something that is out of my control.

    Just because the game is "hardcore" doesn't mean you should actively trying to push away newcomers with mechanics like that.

    It's the same for all online gaming and I fear it's an impossible solution to solve without upsetting someone.

  8. Whilst it isn't immediately great for the mod itself (server load, alpha state and what not) it's absolutely incredible for PC gaming and its modding community.

    Well done Rocket, I hope this doesn't make you lose your original vision for the Mod but you deserve the success that you're going to achieve from this.

  9. Open to suggestions here. Interested to hear peoples experiences and see what they think.

    Another option is a "high humanity" skin' date=' but the whole humanity/bandit gambit is still leaving a really bad taste in my mouth at the moment. I'm sort of just leaving it "as is" at the moment in the hopes that things spontaneously solve themselves or a better approach comes along.


    I fear the biggest problem with removing the humanity system would be losing the morally grey area of the game. Banidts will always kill people, no matter what their skin is but there's currently a contingency of people sitting on the fence who are robbing and stealing from others rather than outright killing them. If there is no negative repercussions for killing people, the people who do steal and rob will just turn into bandits, as there is no reason not to.

    I feel the grey area of the game is what makes it its most special and whilst it may not be lost by removing the humanity system, it could certainly hurt it.

    If you stick with it, I'm sure you'll stumble onto the solution eventually.

    That's just my 2 cents anyway.

  10. Changable models' date=' as technology, is now confirmed working. It's just a matter of getting a working mechanic now


    That's awesome. You don't want to make it too easy to change skin, else bandits and such will be able to exploit it. Maybe something like interacting with wardrobes in buildings...?
