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About DatenThielt

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. DatenThielt


    I'm in!
  2. Can also confirm, But had this issue with tents and vehicle inventory not saving has been arround since for me.
  3. DatenThielt

    Critical! Vehicles doesnt spawn.

    We find that if we dont hard reset the server (Close the exe) , and just use the #restart command, it will not spawn vehicles. Solution: Hard reset server.
  4. DatenThielt

    Arma 2 key for the server?

    I copied my key from the registry from my Home PC for my server :) Worked a charm
  5. Delta is our sworn enemy! (And it was 100% hilarious last night when the heli crashed, and killed 7 deltas!
  6. Not just that, Make sure battle eye is enabled, If it is not you will get that message also :)
  7. If you are talking about on that island, "Tent City" yes we have tried to destroy it many times. And nope Dreekje is not ours, You can tell its us because if you look at us in the player menue we all have the DayZUK squad logo :)
  8. DatenThielt

    Car not saving when server restart.

    Swearing and curing is not going to help you gain any sort of respect on the forums, and most certainly wont make the dev's move any faster at fixing things. As stated its a bug, your an alpha tester, wait for the patch...
  9. As an admin of 105, I can confirm that 1, Was not our camp :), And 2, We have had the same issue taking down a certain camp in the server, We also have 2 support tickets pending with the DayZ Dev team as we have issues with stuff like heli not saving position, and other saving issues, Once we get a reply we will put out an announcement on the 105 web page dayzmod.co.uk, As stated though it all came about after the last hotfix.
  10. DatenThielt

    Stuck can't move - Stuck can not move

    Also try V, Lots of times
  11. DatenThielt

    No other view

    Yes, Servers can be set to 3rd person on or off,
  12. Regardless of what happens, This is turning into a pissing contest when that was not the intent, This is purely to help other admins Protect their servers, Were not invincible, we cant defend against 100% of attacks, No company in the world can, But we are doing the best we can with the tools available, and making public the information to those who want to listen.
  13. Well the frequent attacks we had after posting this , that were rejected seems to state that if you set up the security right, you can avoid most attacks
  14. DatenThielt

    Banned global for unknown reason !

    Read their TOS, If you are found guilty you will not receive a reply.