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About ExileBroc

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. ExileBroc

    Editing Map question

    Thanks guys!
  2. If I were to edit the Cherno map and add building and such. Would it erase all the saved loot and vehicles people have stashed?
  3. ExileBroc

    Don't Stream snipe!

    I have never stream sniped, but I am sure it is perfectly fine. Rocket even said its fine to get on someones vent or teamspeak to find and kill them. Don't hate the player, hate the game.
  4. No. Vehicles are nice as they are. Like the Macarov back a few patches ago became garbage because everyone had one. Now that you start without they are nice to find. Vehicles would become the same because everyone and their grandma would have one. I do howerver think there should be more bicycles or possibly a scooter.
  5. ExileBroc


    Can we have a Shoutout to that guy Section on this forum. These are pointless.
  6. ExileBroc

    New sense: Smell?

    Uh, I don't think this would be a good implication to the game. Think about it the zombies sense of smell will be no better than ours. They would be walking around reeking of their own stench. They wouldn't be able to smell past themselves. If this gets put it they should just put it taking shits and taking pisses.
  7. ExileBroc

    ExileBroc Giveaway Continued

    ill post a video to prove its validity
  8. So I have not been playing DayZ in risk I do not die. I want to play, so im making another giveaway since the winners from the last will not respond, or hard to schedule a time. I will give away a m107, pp19, nvgs, and gps, to the first person who spells out this number completely "6484514" must use vent or skype
  9. ExileBroc

    ExileBroc's Loot Giveaway.

    it was bluecoconuts, but im having to junp threw hoops to find a time to get to him, he did say i can find someone else, so thats what ill do.
  10. wow... There is no proof of hacking. They didnt really JUST spawn. The simulated a spawn. Later on in the video you see that they have a sniper escort. I would imagine that their friend, the sniper, gave them those guns. So they can quickly get into the lets play. What are the odds of spawning next to your buddy? Very slim. To quickly call out hacks is ignorance. They staged the spawn as if they just had. Looks to me, these idiots fooled you.
  11. You sir have won the internet.
  12. ExileBroc

    ExileBroc's Loot Giveaway.

    just about 50 more minutes
  13. ExileBroc

    Michael Scofield?

    prison break? but why am I thinking this?