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Everything posted by eden.eustice@gmail.com

  1. eden.eustice@gmail.com

    Good Story

    If someone with a gun started Q/E'ing in front of me I'd have thought they were trying to be clever and make themselves hard to hit and just unload in to them all that much faster!! Never heard of the "Friendly dance" before XD!
  2. eden.eustice@gmail.com

    I killed my friend last night. (small story)

    Yeah alt-tabbing has one of multiple possible bugs 1) random direction button is jammed on 2) Single shot fired 3) Fire button jammed on. No Rhyme or reason behind it, Even if you Alt+tab back in with no other buttons pushed it can just randomly cause one of these effects. You need to hit ESCAPE and sit in the menu for a few seconds for it to stop. I've found opening the MAP (M) even if you don't have a map on you before alt tabbing is a good saftey mechanism.
  3. eden.eustice@gmail.com


    Hopefully it will be more dynamic :) Would make it interesting to see weather effect visability at night. Also as server time can effect the day/night cycle why not have server date effect the moon cycle and visability ^_^ I have no idea how involved the Arma2 engine in with Weather/Light interaction but it's something that would be great to see down the line.
  4. eden.eustice@gmail.com


    True, mostly peripheral though :) That would be interesting to see as a game dynamic! at night your central FOV is black and blury but your peripheral is clearer!! You know we should really have screen shots for this though I'm sure I've seen them before. I'll take a photo tonight of my server at night from my Client where it's perfectly clear. I'll get my friend to take the exact same picture on the same server from the same spot with the same GFX settings. You'll see the difference and why some people complain =p If I thought night was MEANT to be the way my friend see's it, I'd complain too!
  5. eden.eustice@gmail.com


    My server is GMT +2 and I work during the day so I end up playing mostly night, and I've ended up prefering it to daylight! Personal preference maybe but at the end of the day the issue is: It's not TOO DARK at night. It's BUGGY for some users who get pitch black nothing at night instead of darkness. True at the very VERY darkest part of night it's really dark, but that's as should be. I remember crossing the most pitiful excuse for a spit of the Sahara at night as a shortcut to get from our house to the Hotel we were going to eat at and it was SURREAL. I LITTERALLY could not see my hand in front of my face, just the lights of the city on the Horizon. I remember thinking this is what spacemen must feel like in the void of space =p So yes, in real life it can be that dark in the open at night. We were walking like Basil out of Fawlty Towers doing a Nazi impression to stop ourselves tripping over every bump and little hump of sand. This was with a clear night sky and a city not 3 clicks distant, imagine what it would be like in an Apocolypse =p I've also spent entire nights in fields in the UK and it's never gotten to dark to see at least SOMETHING from dusk till dawn, how much of that is down to light pollution I can't say but they were very different experiences =p
  6. eden.eustice@gmail.com

    How to request a specific server locational Hive wipe?

    Aye but anyone that prolific and organised will also have tents duped and probably extra stashes, they'll probably just wait for reboot or move to a 2nd stash :( Transfering from one server to another takes minutes. Pickup tents and "seed" gear Log out at camp and into new server at camp location Setup tents with seed gear, rinse/repeat A few reboots later and you have a full dupe camp again =/
  7. eden.eustice@gmail.com

    How to request a specific server locational Hive wipe?

    Yeah we have a few camps like that which aren't nearly as bad but still verging on getting silly (3 NVG, most of the top end weapons + 30 mags or so for each, a dozen Coyote packs and all the tools , meds and food you could want) but they pop up so often and are so easily put back into operation it's not worth our time to keep stamping them out. Meh all I know is tents and Vehicles are Buggy and don't seem to operate the same way consistently XD Destroyed tents on our server come back in all their glory on reboot but can be saved empty =p Somtimes they don't come back on a restart at first, but will after a 2nd or third =p
  8. eden.eustice@gmail.com


    The real issue at the moment is the disparity between night and day for different users. For some Night is dark but playable, for others it's pitch as night, seems to be an issue with clients rendering night differently for different people. I get Grey scale at night but outdoors it's perfectly playable, not really any different to day just in Sepia tones. Around the witching hour I have to turn Gamma up to play if I don't have NVG or want to use lights but again it's playable and this is a whole other discussion... Indoors I can't see anything but that's as should be. One friend gets almost perfect colour at night just...dark...the other can't see ANYTHING the moment the sun starts to set, just pitch black nothing...even with Gama on full it's just a wall of black. The sad fact is though in a PC game with the massive spread of hardware and driver c hoices, that's never going to be a full and easy fix...
  9. eden.eustice@gmail.com

    How to request a specific server locational Hive wipe?

    Yes it destroys the contents...which are regenerated on server restart along with the tents =p Basically if you scroll wheel over a tent, that SAVE OLD TENT option means basically save it's current state to the server. On server reset it reverts back to last save. If you destroy it you can't save it... You have to dump all the contents out then save it to screw them over...but I assume they have copies on them and can start all over again but it will put them back a bit. I mean even Legit camps will dupe even if you don't want them to, Store and save an item, then as soon as you retrieve it, bang...duped on reset... that's the problem. And not saving isn't an option then you loose your stuff on server reset instead.... You CAN take items out then SAVE to update the tent but lets face it, who remembers to do that EVERY SINGLE Time =/ Of course some people cross the line with it like this but at the end of the day on my server I CBA with dealing with them when even legit camps will do it as a feature. Best just wait for them to fix the bug...THEN either trash the worst examples or just be happy that over time the stock piles will vanish.
  10. eden.eustice@gmail.com

    How to request a specific server locational Hive wipe?

    If my understanding is right Tents and such like are server side hence why you manually save them and they are server specific. Vehicles also run locally and have the same save/dupe problems but somehow thier spawning at all on the server is hive managed....
  11. eden.eustice@gmail.com

    How to request a specific server locational Hive wipe?

    Trashing it is no good it will just come back after a server reset. The only way to clear it is to Empty the tent, SAVE it, then reboot the server. The tent will now start Empty. Do that for all the tents. You can probably also just Re-start the mission which I think starts the map from scratch. I don't know the CLI command for this and the latest battleye script stops you doing it from the in game console :(
  12. eden.eustice@gmail.com

    What a night!

    Wow what a night last night. TL:DR At bottom I had logged out at in the North East for the night prior when I logged in. The first thing I knew was wrong was that I was on top of the building despite logging out under the staris. I decide this must be a bug bumping me "up" due to clipping the stairs. My friend who also logged out with me radios me to tell me he had spawned in the North West somehow... He's been on a few hours so has gotten back to where I had logged out but while heading back he stumbled across a camp and a truck. He raids the truck and finds 20 or so Thermal scoped rifles and the tents have Coyote packs, NVG and enough supplies and heavy weapons to equip an army. I head east to meet him but after an hour of running and not hitting the coast something is very VERY wrong. Turns out I had also spawned in the NW of the map despite logging out miles away. I also stumble across a camp on the way surrounded by barbed wire. I loot an M294, Druganov with NV Scope, and a Colt M4 Red Dot / Flash Light and carry on my way leaving behind most of my supplies to make room. I eventually meet up with my friend and by this time we have worked out whos camp we are looking to raid and see they are not online. Exxxxcelent. My friend with the Thermal scope scans ahead on point while I cover with the M4. It's getting dark and we have two more friends coming up so we run in quickly to get me NVG and a Coyote pack. I end up leaving the Druganov in one of the tents to make space for Mags Meds and Food. The truck however is sadly gone. While waiting for our friends we decide to hit up a nearby town and run across a couple of tents hidden below the high tide mark. At low tide the tents are revealed but emtpy and we make a note of this little trick. We also come across a 5 man boat stashed in some rocks by the shore that has no fuel and make a note to pick some fuel up. Town yeilds a Jerry can and some Fuel and as night falls one of our friends reaches up and we drop him the spare NVG. At this point there are 3 of us with NVG at night but only two of us tooled up as the third still has an Axe. To make matters worse we see 3 of the Camp owners log in. We decide to raid it anyway and make slow progress up scanning with NVG and Thermal. "Whats that moving on the water" my Axe weilding friend calls out. It's our boat...with someone in it making a hell of a racket trying to get OUR boat off a sandbank he's wedged it onto. We head up the shore and he doesn't see us in the dark even though we can see him clear as day. He appears unarmed but he has our boat and we don't want to take risks. Me and my friend take up position along side his flank about 30 meters away in the tree line while Axe gets closer "just in case". "Count it in...3....2....1" 50 Cal opens up and pings a round off the hull of the boat while I wing the would be boat theif and he starts spraying blood and Axe runs into the water screaming. The poor guy must have been in shock, one minute hapilly boating at night, then all hell is coming at him He jumps out the boat into the water and at this point we see he only has an Axe himself but it's too late, 50 cal blows his head clean off on the second shot. Axe raids him for meds and food a plenty as well as another Jerry can of fuel. At this point I get reports of two helicopters in Elecktro, our server is only a week old so there are no legit choppers here. Sure enough one of the choppers starts to "Nuke" electro and sets the town on Fire. This is after we updated the battle eye scrips detection. I sigh and try to login as admin to ban the cheaters....only for battle eye to kick me for running scripts when I go to the Menu.... I rage and have no choice but to let the cheaters nuke the server..... Luckily for me the "server list" is under maintenance so you can only join servers by manually typing in the IP Details into Arma2. A quick reboot of the server and sure enough only us 3 and the regular Clans get back on, bye bye cheaters. we now put all our focus back on raiding the camp, crawling and scanning slowly, inch by inch. A bit of anti climax as the camp is still unmanned so we raid it again. Turns out that not only were the clan off trying to (and sucesfully) stealing one of the hacked Choppers, they had already relocated and abandoned this camp (sigh) Still we run around like loons for the rest of the night enjoying our loot and reveling in how different the game is with NVG. When my friend throws a road flare I think the cheaters are back and have nuked the town again as through the NVG it's brighter than the sun. Two more attempts to get Admin console access and two more kicks then triggers the "Disconnection penalty" and I'm unconcious for 5 minutes. To top it off I'm passed out in the rain and come back at 29 Degrees with a cold. No Antibiotics in the Hospital.... We ended up logging out for the night under a tree somewhere planning what to do tommorow. But all in all, a very eventful night. TL: DR Looted epic amounts of stuff. Killed a boat theif. Script kiddies spawning Helicopters and nuking Electro Stupid BattleEye update kicking admins everytime they try to login as Admin making us even more impotent... Got a cold :(
  13. eden.eustice@gmail.com

    What a night!

    We all run Legit versions of Arma2 CO =p The weapons all had graphics and the camp was just outside of the Airfield so I have no reason to suspect they are hacked in albeit the tent bugs means they WILL dupe on every server reboot/
  14. eden.eustice@gmail.com

    What a night!

    0_o The only "Hackers" where the ones who made the helicopters. The rest of the stuff was Legit albeit every time the server restarts it gets duped but that's a known bug that will be fixed soon hopefully.
  15. I got a shirty email from my Hosting company today telling me they just forced shutdown my server and reset it back "it came to their attention it was locked against TOS" Now I know for a fact I did not lock it and I don't have access to the Logs as they are too large to open directly via the control panel I have and they don't provide FTP to download it. I am requesting a copy from them BUT: The password for the control panel in game is "Secure" in terms of mix of characters and complexity. I know people are able to run scripts on the servers to mess with the game to an obscene degree currently but is it possible for them to lock the server or gain admin access? I know this password should take the average "power user PC" about 2,500 years to brute force.... Suffice to say I'm concerned. It's possible they just got insanely lucky and some how guessed or brute forced the password....but it seems unlikely...and I've not seen anything else about it on the forums....
  16. eden.eustice@gmail.com

    Is this possible....(worried server admin)

    Sweeeet, thanks :)
  17. eden.eustice@gmail.com

    Is this possible....(worried server admin)

    I've heard about those tools, is it possible to use them with a hosted VM? if so I'll get right on it ^_^
  18. eden.eustice@gmail.com

    Fixing a heli?!

    I thought it was shooting 3 chickens into the air, Don't get me started on geting the context Menu for loading the chickens into the rocket launcher though, bloody voodoo that is.
  19. eden.eustice@gmail.com

    To the poor soul in the house of cherogorsk

  20. eden.eustice@gmail.com

    Vehicles do not respawn after reassigning

    Reboot it again :) May help
  21. eden.eustice@gmail.com

    Is this possible....(worried server admin)

    Never mind looks like the mail was sent in error, minor admin error causing me a small anurism XD They have apologised and I can breathe a sigh of non hacked server relief =p
  22. eden.eustice@gmail.com

    Being unarmed is the only thing stopping you people.

    To be fair when I first started playing seeing someone with a hatchet out usually meant a new player who would appreciate assistance. Now most players I see with a Hatchet are running at me screaming incoherently down the MIC smashing primary mouse button so I tend to consider them armed and frikkin INSANE =/
  23. eden.eustice@gmail.com

    I..I..I killed a man..

    You know if you had called out he may have helped you ;) True pigs may also fly but now you'll never know........................murderer :D
  24. eden.eustice@gmail.com

    Vehicles just disappear ?

    hmm that's strange, Though we have had instances where someone found and took a vehicle but after a reboot it appeared back where he first stole it. Maybe they are like tents and only update position occasionally so a server reset can put it back in time....
  25. eden.eustice@gmail.com

    Vehicles just disappear ?

    Yeah happens a lot on our server, after a reboot vehicles can go AWOL but another bounce (or two) seems to bring them back from wherever they vanished too =/