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Everything posted by LegitZohan

  1. AG-1 wants people like you. You are not young and are mature. We are usually a friendly/bandit group. We try to make friends at usually all cost. But if we dont know you or you are a threat, say bye bye.(We do have our PVP times just for the ones who like it) Join us at Adrenaline-gaming.net or TeamSpeak server: We also have our own server, Us264.
  2. LegitZohan

    What Graphics Card Should I Choose?

    The 6870 is the best out of the 3. I have the msi r6870 HAWK. I hardly dip below 50fps. And run BF3 on Max setting and staying at a steady 60fps+ most of the time.
  3. I am one of four admins of a bandit group know as the "Undead Bandits." And I am here to recruit players into our group. We are a good group of friends that were once always friendly but one night we were all gunned down on a hill. We all said fuck it, now we are Elektro's finest bandits. Our steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Undead_Bandits My own steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198042111687 Talk to one of the admins and try to find a night when we are on. How to get in: Show us that you are a true bandit. Kill someone BY YOURSELF and bring us the loot. Or help us and show that you are worth keeping. If you drag us down and we talk and find you are not worth it, we will put a bullet threw your're head and be done with you. Make sure you have the zombie skin on and [udb] in your're name. Rest of the info is on our group page.
  4. Sorry for the long post! So after playing for a few hours and getting very little and dying alot, i decided to go on youtube and find tutorials and all that stuff. I Spawn in, make my way for a quick trip to the Balton airfield. First loot around, i find a makorov(?) with about 3 or so mags. I was very much happy even if it was bad. 2nd, i make my way to Elektro's power plant to find a military grade weapon. On the way of traveling the power cords above, i see a barn with few zeds. So i make my to that and find two shotguns with about 6 or so slugs all together. So now im thinking to myself "im set now and when my friend gets on we can not die for awhile now." Still making my way to the power plant i run into a AFK player...what i do is not good but i was low on food and drinks. So i put one quick slug threw his head to loot his food. Next, still running and run into what i thought was a bandit. Instead of running pass him i run deep into the woods with him still pointing his gun at me. Luckily he didn't shoot. So fast forward, i make my way to north of Elektro and find nothing at all and swarms of zombies. ( i wanna say i found my Alice pack there or not.) Ok, making my way back to the airfield i do find a AKM with 3 mags too. And decided enough of looting and time to go north. Looking for a deer stand north i run into a friendly. He had nothing on him so he wouldnt even think of trying to kill me with his crossbow. So we went to a church to loot it just south of where we were. Come to not know a bandit there and guess what. we get both messed up by this bandit. So im here for help. Add me on Steam: legit_zohan. I want atleast another player with me so we can loot. OR even give me starting gear? idk but i need help getting some stuff again... Thanks -josh
  5. Alright.. im good now. A group of 3, including me, went looting. I now have all my stuff that i had back plus more. Along the power lines we found atleast 10+ cars and trucks. Myfriend looted a m249 with 2 full mags and a bunch of other stuff. We got the Gaz and made our way to our other buddy witch was waiting for us. We park the vehicle over a hill so no one can spot it or take it. We went into north elektro and got our gear and got out super fast. We are now camped with our vehicle north of elektro. Sadly... we lost a group member to some bandits. I took out the killer and my buddy took out the other AFK bandit.
  6. I never said i didnt like it. It just sad to see all that stuff go bye bye. Im kinda trying to get a small team going right now
  7. So you were practically speaking running in places where you are almost certain that you will find trouble at some point and then you got surprised that you died at some point.. really? If you want to be safe with your loot, that i wouldn't even consider "rare" ( as you described it,by stating that it was so much work to get. Have you ever lost a an ACOG m4a1,4 tents, 1911, alice pack, nv etc to a teleporting hacker? Well, if you did, i would understand your whining , but what you lost was really... common to be honest) you should obvious go inlands and avoid high-trafic area's - aka. big cities. ps, sorry for the grammatical errors in the post A friendly and I were going prone across a field and when we didnt do that, we were in the tree line. It was a fairly empty server too, expecting no one to be in that barn camping with about 10 people on. We were prone in the grass and i was gonna get the ammo that he said was in the shed. then out of no where he came out of the barn and sniped me, my friend pulled me in but it was to late. And i did loose my alice pack. I went good amount north of the balton airfield after hitting it. but it was just not expected after crawling threw a whole field. And i think it was the small town of Bor. Not 100% though