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Everything posted by thewinterbear

  1. thewinterbear

    Bears? Sasquatch? Caves?

    please god no sasquatch but Bears would be awesome, it would be great being killed by something else other than players or zombies, even if they are rarer on the map, plus shooting a bear would add to the dangers of the forest as it would give your position to anyone nearby also poisonous snakes would be interesting, with an anti-venom hospital drop and BEAR MEAT, lots and lots of BEAR MEAT
  2. So IDK if this has been suggested before, but the easiest way in my mind to promote teamwork is to add a Friends list system, if you go to a server, salute a random and he salutes back, have a fun time for a few hours and generally work well, you can add him to a friends list, the list is tracked by the base game license so say his name is Bob, when you add Bob your friends list will say Bob If bob changes his profile name to Tim it will say Tim (Bob) to allow you to know it is Bob playing under a different name This could also solve the "no name accidental friend stand-off/kill" servers by adding a green dot next to or in place of his name while playing, that way you can tell its a friendly on a glance Alternatively you could add a Bandit-list for players you dont like, adding a red dot next to their name on sight, but I dont like this part of the idea too much because it would cause too big of a meta game with experienced players (longer lists) and disallow people from playing on both Bandit and Carebear accounts lastly, perhaps in your friends list you could add a Bandit Toggle, so your profile would say to other people that have friended you Tim (Bob) -Bandit- and that would allow people to know your not grouping and not be too dissuaded with your actions should you kill them in your same server (you gave them fair warning afterall)
  3. thewinterbear

    hobo fishing

    lol, that would be awesome, my only question is do I need to cook the meat or can I have some Cherno style Sushi rolls? +1
  4. thewinterbear

    Let's have a debate on zombie AI...

    The only problem with Walking Dead type zombies is it always seems once you get a few on you more and more start appearing from all directions, which wouldnt work in this game as they need to remain persistent, less spawning from air=better realism Thoug I hope they eventually get massive herds walking around in the wilderness randomly, especially if they could funnel into each other randomly but rarely and make like a (cat 5) supermassive herd like 100+
  5. thewinterbear

    How To Call For Help - The Three Shots Distress Call

    I like the idea, and it might work, but it might be abused by bandits also ie, go around a hill top, fire help shots, wait for people to come and render aid before sniping them from afar
  6. thewinterbear

    Freeside Trading Co Shops

    A) what is Freeside? B) What servers are you setting up shops in, (so I can kill and loot you XD) EDIT: just saw the Freeside thread
  7. thewinterbear

    dying of thirst

    Its more about realism to me, If I was sitting at a pond with just my cupped hands, I wouldnt just drink to 1/4 full, I would drink until I was no longer thirsty, and drink some more for the road
  8. thewinterbear

    No Sound

    Hey, I went to 3 different servers and I get no sound when playing, the menus have sound and all the in-game levels and toggles are right, just started happening with the new patch, no sound issues before EDIT: also sound on people mics are still working
  9. thewinterbear

    Weird issues

    When I spawn and switch to 3rd person my character model is invisible, also after I spawned on one server like that Im now spawning in a different place than I was somewhere in the middle of a forest on all servers (debug forest?), also my debug monitor is not showing up
  10. thewinterbear

    Debug Monitor ??

    yeah my debug monitor is gone too :/
  11. thewinterbear

    No Sound
