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Everything posted by Seanosilas

  1. Seanosilas

    US 540 Seattle Hacker Jammer Time

    Inb4... "You disconnected blah blah blah"
  2. Seanosilas

    instant logout needs to be fixed!

    And than Rocket breaks so much more shit xD
  3. Does not look to bad. Whats with the guys at the end?
  4. Seanosilas

    DayZ needs an exorcist

    Wow.. I would do the same no matter what anyone else says xD!
  5. Seanosilas

    Trade L85A2 AWS for AS50&M4A3 CCO

    Whoa! I didn't know. On a hill??? I thought, it only spawns at heli crash sites :huh: Don't let it breed...
  6. Well.. Machine gun does not help us know if it is hacked in or not. Please clarify ._.
  7. I think we have a Ghilie stored at our base camp. I can get you one What can you GET me?
  8. So you... Want us to delete everything that actually legitmate people worked hard for And spent many hours looting. just to wipe it all?
  9. Your Jimmies... Are they rustled?
  10. Seanosilas

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    Can't, and wont happen.
  11. Seanosilas

    Trading Some good stuff

    I'll get you a ghillie for GPS? or...
  12. Seanosilas

    [poll] how human are you?

  13. I was playing with a buddy named Picky, I died today to a camper in the Cherno firestation who had a Ak-74. Four hours later, I come back with at least 4-5 people on the server, my friend sitting in some houses covering me with a CZ550. We looted the apartment buildings, and I found some mountain dew and flipped out! Since it was the only one I've ever found so I put it in my rucksack & grab the cans of beans & head out. We stocked up on meds to take back to the camp where me and my friend keep Medical gear to help people. (Wasteland Doctor) I was on my way out, than we said to each other we need some more backpack space, getting greedy since of our good luck. He covers me while I walk into the fire station, 3-4 People on the server. I am crawling into the firestation when I stand up head upstairs & see a shotgun on the floor, I say to my friend "Great! my luck is getting better! *Thanking the can of Dew*" I was about to pick it up when a full auto fire came to the back of my head. Dammit, again? really? I tell my friend & he watches the windows, not seeing anyone. he stays there for 10 minutes, while I run back to Cherno. Finally I get there with a horde on my ass to distract him I am on VOIP saying "You're going to get it know you cocky son of a bitch!" I get up there.. Bang.. My dead body, top floor nothing.. my old dead body from 4 hours previous. Wow.. I loot my corpse, the dew is gone.. No! that's all I thought. Lee Enfiled was still there, all my goodies gone. Curse that man! Fact that he disconnected disgusts me. So I went to bed & said goodbye, I was lying down when a thought came to my head "The Dew... It is a curse, it must have a new host to murder." I realise that the guy will now die a unlucky death, I than rolled off & got some sleep.
  14. Seanosilas

    Hacker on NZ25

    You're a liar mate. I never saw this and I was with JD & Nifty. NVM This was before this incident
  15. Seanosilas

    Unarmed Bandit steals my Mk 48 Mod 0

    Happens all the time XD
  16. Seanosilas

    Insane scripting inident

    Clever Girl.
  17. Seanosilas

    How do I do this...

    Hello guys, I'm not willing to brag or anything but I'm really experienced at DayZ IMO. And if you need any questions just leave one of these & I will answer it. EXAMPLE: "How do I: swim without losing a backpack?" Simple, some servers have the feautre enabled like "Vet & Expert" servers. Or, sometimes they don't. 1. How do I cancel the context menu? Sometimes I'm running along and I hit the scroll wheel and it until it goes away in about 10 seconds as soon as I press fire it will change weapons instead of firing - not great for the middle of firefights... ANS: Right click to get out of it
  18. Seanosilas

    The Poor Survivor

    This is a story why I kill on sight. I was walking around balota and find a M16 in one of the deer stands with three mags, I walk around some more & notice a guy running around, I yell at him via mic telling him to stop, I am friendly (I actually was today, good mood lad :D) He stops & I ask are you new he replies with "Just started an hour ago." I tell him to take this axe & a Maky and than follow my lead. Me and him go to the Balota tower & we search it, nothing. We leave & go towards the compound across the airfield with the metal deer stand, a zombie hits me on the leg snapping it in the process, I scream out in pain & fall to the floor. My new friend runs over to me & kills the zombie, I tell him to get some morphine from Cherno, he asks "Cherno?" I than say "The city all the way ov-... *Sigh*" he climbs to the top of the deer stand & falls off *I know lol.* I walk over give him painkillers & a bandage. He gets up, takes out the Makarov & says "I'm sorry mate, I'll leave your stuff on you." *Bang*....... "You are Dead"........
  19. Seanosilas

    My First murder

    You aint a bandit mate. You killed a bandit. This man murdered innocent lifes. You gave those dead people's parents/loved ones some relief to know that fucker is off our Day Z streets. *Sounded like a rap, I know I'm cool like that.*
  20. Redownload BattleEye Or update it or re/update
  21. Bandit until my friend tells me to let them go ;) Picky yah bugga.