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About Seanosilas

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Love to join, not many people playing though :(
  2. Wow.. I can't believe you acutally did that :)
  3. Please.. I am begging you, remove "Always Daytime!" Please..... Maybe like 3-2 hours of night?! Or anything! Just not perma day!
  4. Please don't modify ping! I'm in Aus bro
  5. Joined, and I'm loving it! Admin's are really keen to suggestions and are very friendly :)
  6. Seanosilas

    having alot of bad luck

    Yeah, honestly. It's not that hard to find a fucking good server.
  7. Seanosilas

    The Mountain Dew Curse is real I promise you!

    I had one in my inventory, died by the SAME CAMPER 6 hours before in the same exact spot. After about 15 minutes of holding it, facking Dew.
  8. Seanosilas

    What type of playstyle do you prefer?

    50/50. Depends on who I am with. Most times, I rock with a M14 AIM & cover my buddies, and support them from a hill, if I have some sort of Assault Rifle, I'll be a simple Rifleman,
  9. Suggestion: Added buildings, maybe add more enterable houses in towns, I reckon three or two depending on the town give's us scavanger's a reason to actually search towns. Also. Maybe an extra Barrack's at the NE Airfield, so you can get some loot from there instead of NW? Since some of us are NE dwellers.
  10. Played. Loved it. Staying. Kiss me. No seriosuly now, I abosulety love this server!
  11. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PING KICK! God damn, an aussie who spent like a week looking for a nice server like this FINALLY, but ping kick. Motherfucker :( Please please please remove ping kick! Or atleast whitelist the server! I really want to play :(