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Posts posted by Old_Fart

  1. You can use logs to ID people' date=' you can not kill people at all. Anyone claiming this power is either a liar or a hacker


    Seems you don't understand. I'll explain in more simple terms for you.

    Camp gets raided with help from inside man.

    Admin uses log to find out who did it, thus seeing it was inside man.

    Admin finds and kills inside man for his part.

    Abuse of power being finding out who was involved when he should have no idea.

    In simple terms admin cheats to find out who robbed him, then uses this knowledge to kill the guy.

    Hopefully that's straight forward enough for you to understand.

  2. See most admin offences are easy to ignore. But when admins are openly posting on there own forums that they have used logs to ID culprits, it becomes blatant and very annoying.

    So its hard to believe you when you say they do not have the power Kuro5hin420, When these people are admitting to the offence openly and acting against the inside man swiftly even though no other clan members were online at the time of the hit. Have stopped playing on the US server involved with this one now, but i know of others that have done the same kind of thing.

  3. From what I was lead to believe, From watching Rocket play the game with Totalbiscuit, Is the idea behind trialling the no guns at spawn is to see if it will help bring players into groups. As there is an plan being batted around to make it possible to build proper player camps, with more than just tents. Players laying claim to there own made small village type places. this really wouldn't work very well atm as there is no real incentive to work together for most people.

    I have to say I like the challenge of hunting for that first weapon, Meeting up with others who don't have a weapon either or just have Hatchets. Teaches you allot about zombie aggro ranges and LOS. In the long run makes you a better player.

  4. I see admin abuse all the time. Recently, with the help of a high ranking clan member, 4 of us hit a clan base. The clan head was the server admin, and after the raid he used the server logs to ID the raiders and killed said inside man. This kind of thing puts a real downer on the game, Admins should not be allowed to get away with abusing the server. But there is very little that can be done to stop such actions short of banning the server out right. But then its highly likely the same people will just host another one.

    Unfortunately its just a part of the game we will have to learn to deal with. Petty admins will be petty admins.
