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Everything posted by Diviner

  1. Diviner

    A unexpected way to log into a game.

    My eyes hurt now, but I can tl;dr it. tl;dr Guy spawns into game with his buddy. Buddy gets shot at by a sniper or something like that. They find each other and the sniper comes out from somewhere. They kill the sniper and get dem good gear.
  2. Diviner

    What is "Thunderdomed"?

    The thing is is that you lose everything when this happens to you. At the very least, you recieve some compensation by getting a gun for yourself.
  3. Diviner

    What is "Thunderdomed"?

    I have never had this happen to me, but I heard that when it does happen it is best to do one of these options: Option 1: Log Immiedately. You might be able to keep your equipment before you enter, but I am unsure of this. When you enter this hack, you lose all your stuff, but if you log fast enough you may be able to keep your stuff as it might not record to the hive. Option 2: Grab a gun and some loot and then log. The guns spawn in green ammo crates so aim from them and ignore going in the tents. I heard from some people that when you relog you will end up NW mostly at airfield. Option 3: Just deathmatch it out if you are into that sort of thing.
  4. Diviner

    Quit Saying Kiddies

    Looks at OPs profile pic, sees cat meme. /faceplam
  5. Diviner

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    This thread is hilarous. Admin got owned hard and then got trolled super hard on top of that. Also, one look at the admin's profile pic and any credibility he may have had to begin with was thrown out the window. Here is a hint: Do not post your stoner face as your profile pic and expect people to take you seriously.
  6. Diviner


    NW airfield in the two barracks is the only place to get that stuff. Good luck going their though as that place is bandit hotspot #1 where you WILL get shot on sight (Guaranteed, so you may as well do same). Also, the loot you are after is really rare spawn, so chances are once you actually get there, you will have to server hop A LOT to actually find that stuff. Watch out for other server hoppers and other players already on that server. You are probably better off trying to actually kill someone with that stuff then actually finding it in NW airfield.
  7. Diviner

    My first encounter with a survivor

    It took you a week to run into another player? Go play on more populated servers.
  8. First off, you really did not have anything that special so do not feel to bad. Having that many medical supplies is actually useless. Usually, you only need a few of each (epi-pens are useless, bloodbags are useless if you are solo). Medical supplies are easy to come by along the coast. Second off, do not trust anyone ever unless you know them in real life. "Bandits" are a concept made by some players that feel that everyone should be nice and not shoot each other. The players who claim that are not bandits are usually noobs who have not been very far North. Veteran players generally will kill on sight no matter what.
  9. Diviner

    Looking for a group

    I would like to join up with some people: steam: lunardiviner skype: justin_kohn
  10. Diviner

    Not sure if I can play a bandit!

    The fundamental problem is that you can never trust someone who is armed unless you are friends with them outside of the game. If I see someone with a gun, I shot first and ask questions later. I used to play friendly, but all that ever got me most of the time was a bullet to the head. Sometimes, the other person teamed up with me, but those are rare and far between (granted they were probably some of the best times I had in the game). It is frustrating to die, but it is the name of the game. Almost everyone is a "bandit" to someone else at one point as the person who shoots first is usually the winner. Just remember, no tears, only dreams.
  11. Its a decent read. TLDR at bottom. So after disappointingly making it to the NW Airfield for the first time and dying to 3 people (after killing 2 of them, they unfortunately had a sniper in the woods). I decided to hope onto an empty server and look for some good weapons. Well, my luck changed as I found in an M16 and 4 mags up at the Balota Airfield. I was disappointed after my early run, so I decided to enjoy myself by doing some camping at the airfield outside of the control tower and killing some people as any good bandit would. I hopped onto a heavily populated server and waited a bit and killed two fresh spawns (they had no good loot). I decided to switch servers and made the unfortunate mistake of switching servers while still inside the control tower instead of the bushes. The server I switched apparently had an all out war going on. As soon as I got in, there was a guy with a mark and a lienfield on the middle floor with me. I quickly kill me, but he hits me once (I didnt bleed fortunately). I quickly looted him and he had some decent supplies but not that much and headed back to where I was camped before (outside the control tower). After a minute, I heard high powered gun shoots and quickly scan the area. I spot someone a good distance away laying prone. I figured either he was shooting which didnt seem to likely or he was being shot at. I quickly zoom in and take him out. I didnt dare go over to his body as I would have had to cross an open field and didnt want to get sniped. After a few minutes, I hear more gun shots. All of a sudden, an image of a guy in a ghile suit spawns in front for a split second. I knew he was loading in, so I wait. I couldnt really see him cause of the ghille suit so I inch my way. I finally spot him and he starts shooting at me. I open fire on him and by some miracle come out with about 6k blood and only bleeding. He dies. I quickly bandage myself and head to his body. "HOLY SHIT" I told myself. The guy had literally been loaded and had pretty much everything you could think of. He had all the gear you could image (you name it, he had it) including Night Vision Goggles. I quickly grabbed his gun (it was an M4 with an ACOG, silenced I think) and the NVG. I grabbed some more stuff, but all of a sudden, the guy must have plugged pulled the cord or something for the server and the session was lost. I switched to another server, and camped outside the tower for awhile but no one came. While camping, the ghille guy who I had killed had apparently found the same server I was in (I dont know how he did it) as I noticed a death message from him. After 20min, I notice someone running from the North (highly unusual). It was him again! I unload on him and over the mic I hear something like this (not completely accurate but you will get the picture): "Thats right, you better kill me! I am going to **** you up, you little *****!" I unfortunately didnt have my mic on so I couldnt reply to this loser, but I was laughing my butt off at how mad this guy was. TL:DR Died at NW Airfield, went to Balota airfield and got a gun, camped outside of tower and killed some people, switched servers and killed some guy in ghile suit who was loaded with good loot.. Server session lost switch servers. Same guy found my server, and I killed him again as he screamed in rage over the mic.