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Posts posted by IrishBear

  1. OK guyZ seems the solution working is:

    1. Manually download (in case, dayz Updater has it already in the database for upgrade, six updater still don't)

    2. Do THIS: Delete the folder of the curent profile you use in Day Z mod

    (ex; C:\Users\Name\Documents\ArmA 2 Other profiles )

    Don't be scared relaunching the game will re-craete your profile folder.

    3. Launch the game via the root .exe folder (C:\Program Files ) // NOT VIA Six Updater or It will bug at loading screen!!!

    TADAAAAA I'm at my 15th test; ALWAYS spawning exactly where I logged out! 2 hours gaming now. Full gear!!! :D

    Do tell me It works for you!!! :beans:

    Does this work on 15 different servers or the same server 15 times, I can log in and out of the same server 15 times no problem

    • Like 1

  2. Update: Had 2 clan mates log in with me. One logged in on the beach, the other logged in and he hadn't logged in about 2 weeks, he spawned where he was last known. I had to reconnect because my audio wasn't up to par with my blood level, and I spawn back in where I was however I didn't leave the server just disconnected to lobby and came right back in

  3. always screenshot odd or weird messages you don't understand. it helps when you ask questions on a forum like this.

    I usually do, however I was in a rush to get out, I had to move my FRAPS key to pause and didn't feel like I had time to do it.

    I had a similar message pop up as well. Decided not to risk it and drop out of the server.

    BattleEye has a lot of messages popping up in chat lately, but the across-screen warning was a new one for me.

    EDIT: Updated to beta 95777 earlier today.

    I updated to 95777 as well

  4. Hi guys, on my screen a really weird peice of text appeared. It said "You have been detected using script hacks, ban commencing in...5..."

    It was the craziest thing I've seen because I've never used hacks (At this point I understand any of the skeptism, and would glady do anything to prove I don't). It was on server us1286 = hosted by lucentgaming. At the time it happened, I was worried I'd be banned if I didn't get out before the 5 seconds so I aborted out. It was really odd, becuase afterwards a clan mate left and it still showed his name as being in the server even though he was very clearly logged out. I could also not log back into the server

    I haven't tested to see if I can get back into another server, but I will try, just had to hop off...any help would be appreciated
