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About Broviet_Chaz

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  1. Broviet_Chaz

    DCing from snipers, snipers complaining.

    got to admit I thought this op was hilarious. I'm not a bandit but I do think of a DC as pretty cheap until he painted this picture. In this scenario there is no semblance of fariness or a fight in the slightest. I mean think about it, was it not the bandit snipers intent to very simply, ruin the time of the other player? Yet when the other player responds in kind suddenly it is unfair? Very ironic.
  2. I am sorry but this idea is terrible. you propose that in order to prevent murder and encourage cooperation you want the game to be harder? that can, in fact have the exact opposite effect. I already have a small group I play the game with and in the world you suggest I would shoot everyone on sight who was not with me, period. Why should I risk it? Why would i even CONSIDER letting the poor sap in front of me live when he could so easily screw me and my group over OR better yet have some of the necessary materials needed to survive? Why should my and my friends co-operate with this fellow when we could simply shoot him and take that equipment for ourselves? This situation is already present in Day Z but if it becomes even more hardcore there is a chance that it could have the exact opposite of the desired effect.
  3. Broviet_Chaz

    Dayz Full Of Hackers! NOT FUN

    This has happened to me a few times as well. Some russian guy joins the server, spams chat and then everyone dies. Weird eh?
  4. Broviet_Chaz

    Carebear Detection Alarm! *Alarm Sounds*

    Yes you are quite right, I have recently officially joined the forums (about an hour or two ago). This is due to the fact that while I was constantly scrolling through them I never really found much reason to join-in on a discussion until recently when I have found that the constant berating of the new players by the hardcore players was getting entirely out of hand, however let it be known that I have been passively going through here for a decent time now prior.
  5. Broviet_Chaz

    goodbye side chat...i shall miss thee...

    I miss sidechat as well. I mean realism is cool and all but really I enjoyed the banter and messing with people. Player: Anyone in cherno? Me: that depends are you the guy coming from the docks Player: Omg how did you know Me: I have a high power sniper rifle pointed directly at your head, stop trying to move around so much and go prone Player: Omg plz don't shoot me! Me: *snickering over at NW airfield because I totally just guessed he came in from the docks* Anyway to be honest I have to say I would have been so lost in this game without the help of sidechat. The people in there really helped explain some of the core mechanics to me and hjelp me understand the clunky-ass controls of arma. Without them i would have never guessed that the crappy looking barn in the distance likely had 2-3 weapons in it or learn that swimming is the fast-track for losing your backpack.
  6. Broviet_Chaz

    Carebear Detection Alarm! *Alarm Sounds*

    Really? My because I am finding my douchebag detection alarm is frequently going off as well. Perhaps there is a connection? I frequently scroll though these forums and find nothing but rage-filled hate messages directed at any player who dares suggest anything that could possibly make the game the slightest bit easier on the newbies. I mean I can get your point about marking bandits on the map or something like that but just because an idea is stupid does not mean everyone has to act like an immature ass about it. Discuss the idea, tell them why you think its wrong, don't just sit there and cry about them being a 'carebear' and curse their existence. I swear the community to this game is awful. There is no room for discussing game-mechanic changes because the only result will be immediate flaming.
  7. Broviet_Chaz

    The game isn't hardcore enough.

    At first I thought you were serious and when I read this I realized you were making fun of the hyper-realism people so commonly found on the forums. +10
  8. I kind of miss messing with people in side chat to be honest. Also side chat is what guided me through the game mechanics when I first started and armas clunky-ass controls.
  9. Broviet_Chaz

    why do people have difficulties starting w/o weapons

    The reason people are having trouble is mostly due to newer players. Really thjis game could be brutal to a new player starting off with a makarov but starting with nothing? The thing is we have had time to adjust to the game with weapon in hand and learn the ropes. We know now that you can find weapons in barns, to avoid cities and that airfields are filled with goodies and have relatively decent knowledge of where the towns and airfield are. They don't. these people who join have no idea where everything is, hell I joined a few weeks back and I still don't have a solid grasp on the location of every town in retrospect to others or where the major goodies are. A new player starts of completely and utterly lost now, without even the comfort of a gun to know that they have some sort of protection while they are learning.
  10. Broviet_Chaz

    Is 3rd person really going away?

    I hope third person is here to stay. I am all for server hosts being able to choose the option for whether or not they will allow 3rd person on their server but removing it completely is not the solution. I know quite a few individuals who due to sight issues can not play a game in first person without having some kind of issue with the way they are perceiving it. Removing third person from this game would completely isolate those types of individuals. Really though what are the arguements for having third person removed? So far form what I've seen most of what I have seen is people complaining "It's not fair! People can see around corners!" well can't you simply press enter and do it as well? It is not an unfair advantage if it is enabled for everyone and if you really prefer to play in a first person only server than more power to you, but you should not force everyone else to do the same. Personally I find third person alot more cinematic and less clunky than first person it really makes the DayZ moments seem more epic and allows for an easier video-recording/screenshot taking experience.