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Everything posted by Darston

  1. Yea I have have to agree. Alt+F4ing out of the game to avoid getting killed is pretty lame.
  2. Darston

    I lol'd, then i cried a bit..

    I think it's harder losing all your stuff being new to the game. After a while you learn where to go to gear back up pretty quickly. It still sucks when you get killed to things vanish but it's not as world shattering.
  3. Ok so getting a broken leg and having to crawl for hours, often threw heavily bandit camped areas to find a fix is a huge pain in the ass. To me it also breaks the immersion, leg bones are really strong and they are not that easy to break unless you really know what your doing. (What is this a town full of Zombie Shaolin Monks) But I agree that the Z's need to stay VERY dangerous and there should be a mechanic that makes coming in contact with them a risky bet at best. I also feel there is a classic zombie mechanic that has been left out of this game so far. So what I was thinking is replace the broken leg with an infected bite wound. The bite would give you a fever that will slowly drain blood/health over time, and then as the fever gets higher the speed you lose blood would get faster until... well you die. Now to cure this fever from your infected bite you need antibiotics. This would spawn in the same places and at the same rate as the morphine. Once infected you can still be mobile but you are on the clock to find a cure if you don't have any with you. This gets rid of the huge pain of having to crawl for hours but adds in the increasing pressure of desperately trying to find something to cure the infection before time runs out. At the same time this keeps any contact with zombies very dangerous.
  4. Yea I like this idea.
  5. EDITED for spelling: Yea I think keeping the broken limb/morphine thing in for falls is good it's just frustrating how easy it is to get a broken limb right now from zombies. (was in a group of 5 people the other day and 4 of us had broken limbs, each from 1 hit from a zombie) From what I understand Rocket does read the forums when he can. Also I do like the bandage + wood idea to make a splint to fix the broken leg rather than morphine.
  6. Darston

    Broken bones, no morphine, not fun.

    Yea I have to agree broken bones happen WAY to often for how hard it is to find morphine. Spent the better part of the last 2 days just looking for morphine because someone in my group constantly has a broken bone (had 4 out of 5 people all with broken bones at one point.) They were all from either from a single zombie hit at high blood or a stupid error.