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About brendan.moffitt10@gmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. brendan.moffitt10@gmail.com

    You know you've played too much dayz when...

    When your out driving and see a cow and wonder if u remembered to pick up the matches and hunting knife
  2. brendan.moffitt10@gmail.com

    The military

    yeah hangers are counted as outdoors due to vehicles being able to spawn in there some times..try taking a military zombie into the plane tower and they will slow down to walk still
  3. brendan.moffitt10@gmail.com

    Issue with Dual Screen Setup

    Nah it happens even when im not in a menu for example ill be running from a Z stop to turn to shoot him cause im far enough away from drawing attention then all of a sudden BAM game minimises to desktop and half the time ill have like a new tab open on browser or a icon on desktop highlighted i then have to ALT+tab back into the game and hope i did it quick enough got fraps installed atm so should hit record and do it on purpose heh
  4. brendan.moffitt10@gmail.com

    Issue with Dual Screen Setup

    Recently i just came back from a small hiatus of DayZ never happened before but this time it is when im playing DayZ every so often if i try to left click it will act as if my mouse is on my second monitor thus minimizing my game because i clicked outside of the game any one else get this issue or have any idea as to why it would be doing it/possible fix Possibly think of it as a game in fullscreen window mode
  5. brendan.moffitt10@gmail.com

    Ammo can be repacked for different guns.

    and for a little bug feature packing and repacking a magazine with 1 bullet left in the mag will net u a refill on that Mag..(Personally needs to be fixed)
  6. brendan.moffitt10@gmail.com

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    recently been playing re-spawned and in electra in the small area with the high yeild building medium yield and supermarket i had seen all 3 building baracaded off except one entry to all 3 but it was like a maze to get into thus making it hard for one to get in without being shot by the oposing player/group camping the buildings for the loot
  7. brendan.moffitt10@gmail.com

    Possible Glitch with Winchester 1866 + Crosbow

    sorry didnt notice a bug section plz move to bug sorry, and either i was lucky or there was 3 winchesters in the barn as well as a xbow one where i first got it 2nd in mid 3rd in the spot where i lost the Xbow...and here i was thinking it was 8 slots...
  8. recently ran into the Winchester and crossbow in the one location just starting out was like ok ill pick both use x bow for silence till i get some gear and proceed to pick it up now when i went to put the Winchester into my backpack it disappeared form the ground but did not go into my bag....ok maybe it was a bug and wasn't actually there out of item look up there it is now on the other side of the barn go to pick it up this time while looting it drop the x bow and pick up Winchester in primary go to put the Xbox into bag and it vanishes just thought id bring it up and see if any one else ran into this problem?
  9. brendan.moffitt10@gmail.com

    Just got OWNED

    so a few hours ago me and 2 guys i randomly ran into grouped up we made our way out of cherno and so on inland we found a small town with 1 build that was enterable with one enterance when we got in we aggroed some Z's ok fair enough until we had over 100 Z's swarming us coming through closed doors and even coming through the wall behind and in front of us...... pretty much boxing us in is that normal or just what its been like since We could of made it out even with 100 z's on us as we had M1911 with 6-8 clips each with Winchesters with about 2/3 shells each but having them starting to come through the wall to attack we just got swarmed.