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Everything posted by michaelgrigg91@gmail.com

  1. michaelgrigg91@gmail.com

    Patience pays off, a lesson for those who shoot on sight.

    One shot 1 kill!
  2. michaelgrigg91@gmail.com

    dear bandits, could you explain me something ?

    Well ive died more times to players than i have zombies! Now i shoot players, because they honestly pose more threat than a zombie. (I also kill zombies). Survival of the fittest. Simple.
  3. michaelgrigg91@gmail.com

    Bandit Group Recruiting.

    As above !
  4. michaelgrigg91@gmail.com

    Poor kid at Pridorgski

    did what you had to do!! survival
  5. michaelgrigg91@gmail.com

    Has to be one of the funniest moments...

    nice! haha
  6. michaelgrigg91@gmail.com

    Rules of Engagement. I am an Operator, Not a Bandit

    My signature says enough!
  7. michaelgrigg91@gmail.com

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

  8. michaelgrigg91@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    people gotta sleep
  9. michaelgrigg91@gmail.com

    Teleporting back to a previous position

    haven't had this issue at all.
  10. michaelgrigg91@gmail.com

    Video settings

    turn off post processing set video memory to default also do whats mentioned earlier about resos wouldnt bother going very high- little or no differance to high at all. (except for shadows) aa on low or normal.
  11. michaelgrigg91@gmail.com

    Rocket Disciplined for 1.7.1

    Exactly what kreaol said.
  12. michaelgrigg91@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    haha so many people complaining.. how much did DayZ cost ya? piss off
  13. Your at work and refer to your town as Cherno, then have to correct yourself..
  14. michaelgrigg91@gmail.com

    You know you've played too much DayZ when...

  15. michaelgrigg91@gmail.com

    You know you've played too much DayZ when...

    hahaha nice!
  16. michaelgrigg91@gmail.com

    Video Options

    does anyone know why i cannot see a difference when I change the HDR setting from normal to high or very high? does it actually change anything? also post processing very low or low doesnt affect game appearance either..
  17. michaelgrigg91@gmail.com

    Video Options

    oh awesome thanks!! will turn it on then!
  18. michaelgrigg91@gmail.com

    Video Options

    yeah i have it turned off too, wouldnt mind very low if it only slightly cleaned the trees in the distance.. HDR still puzzles me though!! theres a performance hit with it turned on... no visual change..
  19. michaelgrigg91@gmail.com

    How to improve video?

    also video memory should be "Default" and for your own good turn off post processing and make HDR normal!!
  20. michaelgrigg91@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    simple solution to server hopping. not able to logout until 2 mins after a fight of any kind has ended has ended!
  21. michaelgrigg91@gmail.com

    Does throwing cans work?

    yup they work!
  22. michaelgrigg91@gmail.com

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    i would by all 3 to be honest, 2 being my fav though!