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Everything posted by Royz323

  1. Royz323

    100 things I learned from DAYZ

    85. Chernarus is teeming with barbed-wire from open fields to firestations and barracks. 86. If a survivor of a zombie apocalypse decides he is too far from a destination he takes a randomly obtained cyanide pill as a way of giving up. (Why walk when you can spawn)
  2. Royz323

    Starting weapons

    In one case I ran all the way to Vybor and through a few towns without attracting attention and staying away from a player. There I got an enfield and makarov. Feeling motivated I went to the airfield and found an M4A1.(Lost it to some ninja bandit) Was pretty simple to evade zombies if taken slow. Many complain about Elecktro and Cherno, but the only real problem there would be the players, not the zombies. Just need to take things slower. Even so, thanks to the line of sight I rolled around in prone on a hill through some bushes and actually lost a zombie that aggro'd me.