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About Flindzor

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  1. Flindzor

    A85 with INFRED

    it was late :/
  2. Flindzor

    A85 with INFRED

    So if I never logged in and waited for the hotfix would i still have that gun ?
  3. Flindzor

    A85 with INFRED

    Not to be offensive to you sir, but for those that have been playing in a higher lvl of game play then you, It wasn't.
  4. Flindzor

    A85 with INFRED

    where will it be?
  5. Flindzor

    A85 with INFRED

    oh i have guns.. not the point...
  6. Flindzor

    A85 with INFRED

    I Get that damn gun after searching forever for it and it gets taken out without a DEV POST About it... Horse crap...... If it was in the patch note i would of been okay.. but this is the same stupid silent nerf crap i hate about mainstream games >.< I love you rocket but why :/
  7. Flindzor

    A85 with INFRED

    So I load new patch and my gun is not on me... WTF?????
  8. Flindzor

    Dallas 41..

    Self entitled no, Expecting something to be done about this QQ gaming yes.
  9. Flindzor

    Dallas 41..

    First off that is the drama.. You sir are doing. Second the server name should of stayed the same for those that play on that server as a main You are complaining on this forum is just you trying to hide the wrong doings of what you/party did on top of just kicking everyone off the server you used a switch of server box to cover it all up, If anything that you/server host needs to keep the name or get blacklisted off of dayz because that just means all your going to do everytime the server admin/you/party camp gets found out is kick everyone off switch server boxes and say it was just something we normally do when infact everyone has stated that you warn others b4 shutdowns and never changed the name... You sir's are full of it and we will wait to see what a DEV will do about it either way Shove off.
  10. Flindzor

    Dallas 41..

    Hello Me and some friends played in Dallas 41 two nights ago when we found a base and took a truck and atv and logged out later there was a war there with others that lead to the server admins being abusive with there powers, They basicly kicked everyone with a ping max/low setting and then proceeded to lock/shut down the server and posted in a forum thread saying they where moving it to another dedicated box... They most likely did this to stop anyone from gaining anything out of this which is a shame to see admins abuse such a power to this exstent.. I was also reading someone saying something about how they had all the trucks/buses and everything and it seems to always be on a set bit of servers.. Well in anycase, I have placed / linked the major threads to try and give you a unbiases look at whats going on.. Honestly i just want the server back up and running I want my gear that i got far and square I want to enjoy this game... not dread going server to server seeing nothing done to prevent/stop this. ps. was recommended posting in here. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9688&pid=178020#pid178020 http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=19603&pid=177997#pid177997 http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=18744
  11. Flindzor

    Dallas 41 Shutting down and locking

    I am linking the 3 major posts about this subject together and trying to get a Dev to look at this.. They are doing something superfishy... http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=19603&pid=177997#pid177997
  12. Flindzor

    Dallas 41 - Admin Abuse

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=19603&pid=177997#pid177997 take a look guys and I am gonna stay on this subject til i get a dev.
  13. Flindzor

    Dallas 41 Server Still Offline?

    Well hmmm think ill try to link all 3 major posts together and try to get a dev... http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=18744 http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9688
  14. Flindzor

    Dallas 41 Server Still Offline?

    Well Seeing as its abusive admin powers hmmm.... Pretty sure that would be something a Dev has. PS just another reason people ruin these games for the rest of us. Lets hope a Dev gets involved and actually blacklists that server.