There is a difference between a "harsh" game, and a "frustrating" game. A disconnect can happen for a TON of reasons, not just exploits. Unless the game has a way of differentiating between a player voluntarily disconnecting, and a player abruptly disconnecting due to other causes (lag spike, internet down, server dies, etc). The player should NOT remain in game for even a second after he disconnects. Why? 5 seconds was okay, but if you allowed say, a minute, all the players disconnecting would leave assets in the game world for up to a minute, hitting performance. Do it like Diablo does it: If you hit disconnect, you get IMMOBILIZED in game, a 10 second counter begins, and once those 10 seconds are up, player is disconnected. If you aggroed zombies, you'll get hurt badly, possibly killed. A human player though, won't be as inaccurate against a close range target...