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Everything posted by kenny4587

  1. @SonicRainBrony Pussy pony is, pussy... Go cry to your mom. [Do not evade suspension with another account. User banned. -Max]
  2. Okay, I just spent 4hours to try and try again to sneak out, watching for loots. I've not even seen 1 gun. I try to play as the guide says : stay away from the 2 big cities (elekto, and the other one), try to stay in woods, scan the city and find opened buldings. Okay I fuckin sneak those zombies, but still no gun only ammos. This game is near to impossible for beginners. Only vets can survive. But I wish those vets never have to play this game for the first time without ONE SINGLE FUCKIN GUN. You should be happy, you experimented players, you played this game in "normal" mode at the beginning, and learn the basics of DayZ with the makarov as first primary weapon. Now all new players has to learn by the HARDCORE mode. You modders team are crazy!! NO GUN for veteran servers only plz!
  3. kenny4587

    No gun at respawn? Impossible for beginners

    Easy for you "Vets"
  4. kenny4587

    No gun at respawn? Impossible for beginners

    @Mansen Wallhack still works for zombies. One even passed thru a wall one time. Okay for big cities loot starting, but you should mention it in your guide...
  5. kenny4587

    No gun at respawn? Impossible for beginners

    @Bobicon You really think I didnt try ? They open doors, they climb stairs, ladders... I really tried many and many tactics. Still I've got 2 times luck : first time he stopped at seeing me, second time he couldn't climb mountain. @Mansen You had the luck to learn your mistake with one Makarov in the hand, you don't even fuckin know what all beginners feels nowadays
  6. kenny4587

    No gun at respawn? Impossible for beginners

    @Vasudan : No problem with action, I have a problem with self defense. One error = instant death. Not legit when you know others could learn with one gun at start.
  7. kenny4587

    No gun at respawn? Impossible for beginners

    @Mansen I know Arma 2, I played it for a while no problem with controls : argument invalid 4 hours to sneak in woods seems legit as a first feedback for a new player. You played Gun @ respawn version and could learn to this game more easily, your argument is invalid.
  8. kenny4587

    No gun at respawn? Impossible for beginners

    @TheFired3mon I don't want to download a map to locate loots and stuff, I want to discover it by myself, but really... This is near to impossible
  9. kenny4587

    No gun at respawn? Impossible for beginners

    @Mansen : you're experienced player, so you could learn this game via the previous version. Your argument is invalid. @chrispow : No way I'm not "running because that house looks like it's so far away" I spent 4 hours to sneak out. Argument is invalid. NO GUN for veterans server onyl plz!