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Everything posted by AlfalphaCat

  1. AlfalphaCat

    Why is the goal; servers able to support 150 players?

    Are you paying for a server? I just did a quick check on prices, and it looks like ATM a 40 player server is costing 75 dollars US per month. Since most game server services charge per slot, these 150 player servers are gonna be costing someone close to $200 US/month. That is pretty pricey, if you ask me. I also think most 150 player servers will not fill up all that often, so it's just wasted space. Maybe it would be cool to have that ability for special events and such, but it would mostly just be a 'cool' feature to put on a list of features.
  2. AlfalphaCat

    Why is the goal; servers able to support 150 players?

    That's what I am saying. Much rather have more zombies and other entities, than have a server running 150 players. 100 might not be too bad, but I like there being areas that feel secluded. People saying that it's hard to find other players, are forgetting or don't know about some of the features that will change that. Such as camps and places to store gear. That tends to spread people around the map more, and offers new encounter opportunities. When people are able to 'stake a claim' on areas of the map, it won't be hard to find them. Add to that vehicles, and the map will seem crowded quite fast. Like I said 75 max, is my suggestion. Seems like a happy medium, once other features are implemented.
  3. AlfalphaCat

    Why is the goal; servers able to support 150 players?

    75 human players max, and make it rain!!! With zombies, of course. It has been stated that higher server populations are a goal, but is it really needed? People are buying the game and paying for servers, and it is still in alpha. Servers are priced by population, in most cases, why does the game then need to support higher populations? Dayz will only sell so many copies in its lifespan. It's quite Malthusian really. Simple math to explain a complex situation. Surely Max, you understand. They have named particles, equations, or some shit after you, right? :)
  4. Zombies are weak as fug, and feeding, clothing, and hydrating your self is way too easy. That is why it doesn't matter. Not to mention it is all the rage and you must play it. So, there all the kiddies are playing it as well. Just dump a bunch of respawning Zs in here already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o :o :thumbsup:
  5. Why do you ree-rees even bother with all this RPing on the forums. No one cares. It's a decent enough idea, but it really doesn't carry any weight here, where people are trying to discuss the problems and issues with the game. Save it for your own forums, or in your recruiting threads. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  6. AlfalphaCat

    What desktop should i purchase to run DayZ SA?

    Why such a wimpy PSU? He would be better off with a much better(say750w) PSU, and not buying that after-market cooler. The ones that AMD provides now a days is more than sufficient.
  7. AlfalphaCat

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198054878461/screenshot/469798831140316801 A ghostly visage in the dark.
  8. AlfalphaCat

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    Ha ha, ya'll don't even kno' how smart these MFRS are!!!? Love ya...
  9. AlfalphaCat

    Why is the world of dayz so static ?

    LOCK LOCK LOCK let the tears flow. :)
  10. AlfalphaCat

    Why is the world of dayz so static ?

    Really, it's just that; these kids just never played no Mario Bros. Fucking nooblets!? :emptycan: :thumbsup: >:( <_<
  11. AlfalphaCat

    Why is the world of dayz so static ?

    Nah, he shoulda just said, "Hey, some folks told me about Dayz, so I picked it up. It was not what I expected, and I don't like it. I guess I don't quite get why everyone likes it like it is. Make it different, so I can have fun... sorry if that ruins the whole damned point of the GAME!! That my son, is why they are so pissed. People wanting DAYZ to be something it is not, nor should be. It has been loved by many for many reasons, with or without everything being perfect.
  12. You should buy a calculator. :rolleyes: And you should stop playing for awhile. All of your posts are exactly why they told people to wait, if they aren't able to deal with 'problems' that will happen in an alpha. :rolleyes:
  13. So rocket just reddits for a living? Say that three times fast. I'd buy that for a doller!!
  14. AlfalphaCat

    November Round-up

  15. AlfalphaCat

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    It's a shovel, derp.
  16. AlfalphaCat

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    You've obviously never waited for anything in your life.
  17. AlfalphaCat

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Umm, this is 'tarded. Most of the idjits following this game only say 'WHEN?'. Impatience is still imapatiece, no matter the reason causing it. They have been giving information, if it isn't what you want to hear, that is your problem. Don't make it ours. *kiss* *kiss* :P
  18. AlfalphaCat

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    You don't need to be a scientist to do that. I have some friends that grafted an apple tree to grow 5 different types of apples. They even mature and ripen at different times of the year. Pretty neat, if I do say so myself.
  19. AlfalphaCat

    DayZ Developer Blog 7th September 2013

    Really dude, are you that dense. Hopefully not as dense as wood. Why the fuc have we(humans) been making tools out of wood for tens of thousands of years. Read a book or go outside. Guns are made out of wood, and so are many other 'tough' things. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  20. He has, on few occasions, said that the whole Arma 2 map 'Utes' was added. While small by Chernarussian standards, it should be a big enough to have many people all over it. I think it may just sound like gibberish when he says yoots. Like, "Hey's all! I added some yoots to your soup!".
  21. AlfalphaCat

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    KoS was never a big problem for me when I played the mod. There were plenty of times I ran into someone out of the blue and could have killed or been killed, but both of us just thought the better of it and walked away cautiously. Hacking, combat-logging, duping and all that shit is what really ruins the mod. This guy^^^ is totally right; the game needs to be about survival. When I first started playing it was really pretty damned hard to not just starve to death/thirst or even zombies. It was a little easy because the zombies always spawned in buildings, for the most part, but running out of essential gear was always a possibilty. @Skaterrat/dude(whatever yer name is). Stop regurgatating the same shit. You keep saying people should be made to feel bad, buit never give an iota of how. It won't happen. Some people have a conscience, others just stifle it for there own gratification. I was never a dedicated bandit, but I have killed people in the game; for nothing more than not responding to my numerous 'shout-outs'. If you just don't respond I assume you are just gonna shoot me as soon as you get a chance. I did feel bad about it, but am I gonna loose any sleep over something that happened in a vidya game. Hell no.
  22. AlfalphaCat

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    It's so cute when trolls don't know they are a troll. I win. Enjoy your injuries. :)
  23. AlfalphaCat

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    No, but your theory-crafting is basically putting words in his mouth. And you are getting worked up over one little thing he said in an interview. He was giving an analogy. Look up what that means, kid.
  24. AlfalphaCat

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    You are reading too much into what he said. He is talking more about the weapon uprgrade, and attachment system. You will, in essence, be able to 'level-up' your weapons. Not to mention, gear has always been the 'levels' in DayZ. The better you are prepared, the more you can handle. Also people like to use different weapons and gear, regardless of the merits or percieve disadvantages of said gear. People also like to play different roles in their chosen groups/playstyle. People really need to learn how to NOT read between the lines. Stop pulling more out of Rocket's mouth than it spews. He's not lying to you, you people are lying to yourselves and getting all frazzled in the head. Sheesh.
  25. CANNED MEAT DAMNIT!! Something between canned foods and real food that is slightly better, but also slightly rarer than beans.