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About Bagonad

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Bagonad

    Forced first person view?

    While first person has the fortune of preventing people from looking places they wouldn't be able to, it brings other imbalances. For one, the servers without crosshairs in your screen brings a disadvantage to people who don't use a third-party software to put a dot in the middle of their screen. It also brings an advantage to people using several monitors to increase their fov. I suppose you can't have it all though, the difference between full gamma ans brightness at night still outweights these, and there's nothing we can do about it.
  2. It's a large problem right now, it usually takes me 5-6 servers before i find one with more than 150 zombies, it leaves the majority of the servers useless outside of pvp.
  3. Bagonad

    Unofficial wiki: www.dayzwiki.com

    I'm not wiki expert, but on the page http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Community_Tips_on_DayZ isn't it a bit out of the wiki spirit by reffering so many things as "In my personal experience" or "I recommend", and posting contributors in the wiki page itself? I've also added a discussion topic, as there's a similar page which will confuse people.