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About IveDefected

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  1. DayZ Name : Ivedefected How long have you played DayZ : 3 months Time Zone: Central (UTC-6) Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes. Loyalty, courage, and honor are the virtues I play by. What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) I can fill any role but I personally enjoy assault/sniper. My load-out is usually an M4SD/MK48 with either AS50/DMR depending on the time of day.
  2. IveDefected

    Clan War Recruitment

    I would like to clarify the situation for prospective [NCG] applicants and others who play on our server. After recruitment campaigns we realized that some senior and new members were involved in rampant duping, scripting, and spoofing. [NCG] realized that to grow as a clan legitimately we needed to set rules that ALL members must follow. During the change we deemed that camps belonging to hackers/dupers were to be dismantled. While the newer members agreed, firefights resulted between some senior members and the [NCG] core attempting to clean the server. While the differing factions had differing motivations (a mix of dupers,hackers, purists, friends, family, etc) some members splintered off, refusing to follow the new rules instead of changing their ways. Some left simply as a result of newly created feuds. Soul, Rick, Doffe, and Underground left (or were eventually kicked) and posted here pretending to be waging a clan war against the reformed [NCG]. The splinter faction began hacking as a whole to destroy the clan so we started to record our gameplay to collect evidence. We forwarded the evidence to administrators and have now removed ALL former members known to be hacking or duping en masse. These players are BANNED from our server. We do understand that the current tent/vehicle gear duping is unavoidable. But we DO NOT condone the intentional duping of items. So if you want to join a large, friendly clan let us know. The "war" is over and the server is safe. And if you wish to play on our server you can be assured that we have dealt with the hackers.
  3. This just happened to me as well. The thing is that I've tried to join multiple servers in the last half hour because I also keep getting the recent bug where you are stuck at loading indefinitely... so I have to go rejoin the last 5-10 servers which I could never join to begin with to find which one my gear is stuck at. Looks like my 3 hours of game time will be spent playing a much different game than I'd expected.
  4. IveDefected

    Hackers/Dupers Have Taken Over

    I guess my point is that its getting out of hand because it's so easy and hacking is a means to survival against hackers now. If you play on multiple high population servers every night you'd see it regularly. It's become much more prevalent in the last month. I am patient. I don't think I can do better. I do think it's important to stress this point to the developers. Reporting community wide problems in the Alpha is important for improvement. Devs don't spend 5 hours a night playing on high pop servers. I do. I understand it's difficult, but it's a pressing issue. Especially going into beta/release.
  5. IveDefected

    Hackers/Dupers Have Taken Over

    Exactly. Other games pander to creating a 'fun' experience. This game is a brutally horrid experiment leading to deceit, murder, and sometimes forced kinship to survive. If you aren't willing to play it on a meta level you'll have a hell of a time. With the proper tools to facilitate such a meta game experience, this sort of gaming construct is the future of gaming. I can't wait for a standalone release.
  6. IveDefected

    Hackers/Dupers Have Taken Over

    I don't consider duping to be hacking. I've accidentally duped items before so I consider it a design flaw. This game is an experiment into player interaction based on survival. The point isn't having "fun". It's surviving. What is happening now is that hacking is killing players regularly. You can only respawn and play by the rules for so many weeks before you realize that unless you are also hacking you cannot survive other hackers. This is especially true when it only takes one hacker to /kill an entire server, sometimes dozens of servers a night. And it does happen often now, nightly. Even if only a fraction of the player base turns to hacking as a response it will get exponentially out of hand. Just look at how alt+f4 has affected game play. I imagine hacking is going the same way. As it isn't punished and is the only way to survive against others using the same exploit, it will blossom as survival is the goal of the game.
  7. I've been a dedicated player since May. In the last month I've seen a ridiculous increase in hacking/duping/admin abuse. I'm now much more likely to die from hackers mass transporting people and admins transporting and activating "death match mode" than I am to die from normal player/zombie interaction. I've since come across multiple camps with 30+ tents, 20+ rangefinders, ghillies, and NVGs. It's becoming obvious to me that hackers/cheaters/dupers now completely control servers. Hacked and duped items are the norm. I'm even seeing jets and attack helicopters on almost a daily basis just by joining almost full servers. My clan can't keep a legitimate base for more than 3 days without it being hacked. I think the growth of the alpha has gotten out of hand. It's becoming apparent that the devs can't keep up with community abuse. Hacking is starting to become openly acceptable on many large servers. If the situation cannot be contained the community will fracture. The game is quickly becoming a hack fest. It's gotten so bad that my friends are looking into how to hack DayZ just so they can counter other hackers. I know the devs take a hands-off approach to many player interactions but this is something that needs to be dealt with.
  8. IveDefected

    Most intense firefight of my life

    Without the infinite ammo exploit and infinite grenades this wouldn't have been possible. You should've listened to your clan members and edited that part out. And don't pretend that you didn't know they were exploits.
  9. IveDefected

    Flare out!

    Pretty much this. Until I get a 2-shot assault rifle I'll be within a few shots of 100% headshot kills. When you get that rifle and accrue too many mags you'll stop aiming for headshots in buildings and start taking body shots in fields.
  10. IveDefected

    Playing My Character On A Friends Computer?

    We tried using my separate steam and game (and his) and it seems characters are tied to the actual computer. Regardless of which person is running which copy we can only ever use his character on his computer. This would lead me to believe that the keys are tied to the computer's registry. I guess it's just poor design with Arma. I don't think I want to edit his registry.
  11. So we're having a little lan party and I'm trying to play DayZ on my friends computer. We both own our own copies of Arma and DayZ characters. We usually play from the launcher. Would logging on to my steam account and launching from steam allow me to play my character on his computer? Is this possible?
  12. IveDefected

    Spawning in Infinite, Desolate Wilderness

    Do you really mean that I can't play anymore? Even if I kill myself? Yes this is my personal experience. Even respawning fresh sends me back to the Wilderness. I've also heard of many other players having this problem. If I were you, I would join the Canada 2 server and walk back to the map. Relog. If you relog and you are out, congrats! If you come back and you are in the Wilderness... there is no way out. Just wait until it gets fixed. Until then play another game.
  13. IveDefected

    Spawning in Infinite, Desolate Wilderness

    In my experience it doesn't matter where you go. When you leave the server to rejoin you'll find yourself back in the middle of the Wilderness. You can run south east and make your way back to civilization after a good 1-2 hours run but when you relog you'll be back to where you started. If you have the Wilderness bug it's just best not to play anymore. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.
  14. IveDefected

    Spawning in Infinite, Desolate Wilderness

    I ran east / southeast for almost an hour. I have gotten back to the main map. If I log off I log back in in the middle of the Wilderness debug area.