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About sparky157

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. sparky157

    Gear not saving on character

    Yup i beleive its like that to stop server hoppers from mass looting. sorry about that man =/
  2. sparky157

    FPS drop or something

    ive got the same problem =/ used to work like a charm then one my ping just went out of control
  3. sparky157

    FPS drop or something

    Do you have a yellow chain almost constantly?
  4. sparky157

    Constant Yellowchain

    The left one
  5. sparky157

    Constant Yellowchain

    Ive been experiencing massive desync on every server i join i use six launcher and have updated the mod and beta to the newest version and beta version 95248. My ping will look fine and ill join servers with less than 100 ping the loading time are sometimes extremely long or moderate but as soon as i log in i get yelllow chain that never seems to go away. The game is super stuttering and almost unplayable at times. when i sit still the game starts smoothing out and ping goes back to normal but when i start running it jumps up and ive seen it hit up to 2000+. im positive its not my internet im able to play every other online game smooth as butter. once in a while i will also get something like no message received for x amount of seconds and also another one when i joina server saying something like battleye initialized up to date Guid xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx amount of random numbers and letters all in red. Any help will be appreciated thank you windows 7 32bit AMD Athlon duel core 3.2 4096MB RAM 5770 Radeon HD 739 gigs free of 993
  6. sparky157

    Start fresh

    How long does that take?
  7. sparky157

    Start fresh

    Helo ive been having extreme lag lately maybe from have been using so many diffrent fixes people suggest that i may have just put something out of place or something. It takes a long time to log into a server and i get some messages ive never seen before like "set up completed please wait" where my hud is up but i cant see anything..then my game slowly fades in. so im wondering if theres a way to start fresh? i tried reinstalling once through steam and it just gave me my old game with the same files including the same dayz folder. So anyway to start fresh? Also ive been able to play but it just gets extremely laggy from start to finish even though my ping is just fine and my computer was running it just fine until a few days ago.
  8. I was playing the game fine up until a few days ago when they added the hachets and melle combat. I Deleted all the old files and installed all the new ones and when i log in i spawn in an empty area covered in hills with no debug monitor no gear and unable to go into 3rd person view. People have told me to try updating the beta version i tried this but all i get is the tool saying i have 100% completed installing patch 1.60. Is there any one out there who can help with this problem? Also i update my game manually and dont use the 6 shooter tool. Thank you