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Posts posted by Stigmiester

  1. Yes we are aware that this name did exist in the community. But we have been running with this name since BF2. We have now branched into Dayz. We are more of a community than a clan. Pretty much come and go as you like or join teamspeak and find somebody to team up with.

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  2. New World Order

    Come join our community on Taviana! We have a public teamspeak and the server has custom load outs for donators, daily restarts, 24/7 daylight, custom vehicles and custom vehicles spawns, Custom weather effects, a debug monitor, vehicle lifting/towing, ability to remove parts from vehicles, and custom loot tables! Active admins on the server and anti hack measures. Check out www.nwogaming.netfor more info. The Server IP is and our Teamspeak 3 server IP is

    Hope to see you guys on the server!
