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Posts posted by qwertysoares

  1. At the moment, me and plenty of other players are hinged when playing because we cannot communicate with anyone. it is a known bug that direct chat doesn't work for everyone and my experience has been very limited because of it. Please re-enable side chat or add some other form of communication because direct communication is too buggy.

  2. I can't read anyone elses direct communications or hear it, and they cannot read / hear me.

    i was told it's something to do with my patch version so here is all the info i gathered.

    When launching through steam:

    ARMA II:1.11.86734

    ARMA II OA:1.60.87580

    ARMA II CO:1.60.87580

    When launching through Six Launcher (which is how i always launch to play DayZ):

    ARMA II OA: 1.60.93965

    it's never worked and ive been playing for about a week now. My experience has been really lackluster since everyone just kills me because I can't communicate. If it has something to do with my wrong version please tell me how to update it. i purchased CO through steam and installed dayz using six launcher. Thanks.
