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  1. I'm not sure how any of the above is "too convenient"; in fact it took me the better part of 3 hours to steal your vehicles! If you have issues with anything I haven't explained, you're welcome to ask for clarification. Secondly, I looked at the post history for both you and D4ssBlaster and thought it was rather odd to see all the posts requesting help to detect hackers, and you were met with responses about Jets/Helicopters and Tanks. Funny how we had none of that and yet you still decided we were "hacking" with supposedly irrefutable proof that essentially amounted to us destroying your camp. You may say to want to "start over," but we're still banned.
  2. LOL. Actually, it's quite funny you ask if we recorded it, because yes, we did. We initially logged into your server because the server we had been playing on was hacked (Battleships and Abrams all over the place, US 328) and we had been summoned and killed. Fortunately, the tents respawned on the next server restart so we took what we could carry and migrated to a server that also had a similar time offset (yours). We brought tents and all our supplies with us and simply set up our camp in the same position as the old camp, that's why we had gear. Secondly, we were enjoying the "clan war". I spotted the white offroad truck at its spawn point (redacted, I won't give your camp away, if you're still there.) and called all my guys to come help me repair it. As I was clearing all the loot spawns in the factory to get all the parts necessary to get it running, I ran into two of your members in the long barn located ever so slightly to the southwest, and they shot me down. We then had a ~30 minute standoff with you guys that resulted in all of us being killed except me on my new character. Luckily, I spawned at Kamenka and had the sense to check the Bicycle spawn next to the lighthouse so I could get back to the action ASAP. While you guys messed with the white truck, I decided since there were ~5 of you there, your tents must be nearby and decided to go due West of where you entered the tree line, and imagine my surprise when I found your blue Van parked right in the trees. Armed with the encouragement that I was right about your stuff being nearby, I continued to scout every dense spruce grove nearby (GOSH! who would think tents might be there?!) and found your 5 tent camp. Despite seeing your two ATVs, Bizons, and more, I just took the GPS to mark your coordinates, and a Kobra to get home safely and I returned to my camp to regear. Later, I snuck back down and grabbed an ATV to pick up my clanmates and regear quickly, and we ran into you again (actually I literally ran into one of you, with your van!). When we regrouped, I led my team to each of the Ural spawn points until we finally found it. By this time it was fairly late in the evening, and they logged out (after quite a few firefights with both your clan and other players). My squad was actually somewhat bummed out that we had lost so much gear (even though we could replace it) that I decided to handle things myself. I ran the 30 minutes each way all by myself and went back to your camp. I tend to stick to tree lines when I run places as it allows me the best vision of potential camps and vehicle hideaways, and I got rather fortunate to find the same above-mentioned white truck parked in a single spruce tree near the edge of the map. I then systematically drove each of your vehicles from your camp back to our camp, and raided your tents for some basic supplies (mainly food and drink, and one more kobra, since you didn't have much we needed.) The next day, we noticed your "We Have received suspicious activity of hackers!" admin-speak had become more prevalent, and realized you were referring to us. Frankly, we were annoyed, so we decided to drive the Ural to your base, that's what knocked the trees down, not C4. If you notice, I drove a fairly clean cut path from the center of your camp all the way back to the road. I'm also rather proud of the huge circle we flattened in your camp, it takes a lots of patience to drive in a circle like that for 10 minutes. (Evidence of the Ural, our team, and the circle here! http://imgur.com/a/Vj9yp)To address your concern of how we knew it was you, we have played the game before. When we were en route to the camp, we don't sit and twiddle our thumbs. I drive, one person watches the players screen to see how many of you are in game, and the rest scan for movement in the trees. We knew it was your base from watching you come and go, and you were the only member of your clan who was in game and then suddenly out as you were being shot at next to your tents. I'd love to see what proof of "scripting" you have, in fact I believe the mods would too, as we already contacted DayZ Shawn a few hours ago and he was none too pleased to hear about your admin abuse. Learn to play the game, or at least learn how to be an impartial server admin. Good day sirs. - [RD] Randiesel
  3. Just got a hatchetman spawn into our camp and kill us all... Shot 30+ times. No idea what the name is, not a nametag server
  4. Thank goodness you revived this thread! Apparently there is a new melee weapon in the new patch though, wonder what it is...
  5. Bumping this because I'm curious too.
  6. Just added you on steam, I'm Randiesel. I'm also based out of NC, and I'm on late nights. I'm self sufficient, won't slow you guys down, and looking for a team to kill stuff with.
  7. I could respawn I guess, but if anyone has a morphine and wants to be a cool bro, let me know. I don't really have anything of worth, just an AKM and random ammo, so it's a waste of time to bandit me.
  8. I'm bugged too... grrr, just as I was walking up on an abandoned bus I got disconnected. ID: 21411846 IGN: Randiesel Also, If you'd like to replace the 3 extra STANAG SD Mags that were in my backpack before I joined the server, that would be fantastic too.
  9. I need a few people to play with, getting bored of hoarding loot myself. Ideally I'd like to help get some cars and engage in clan v clan warfare or hunt bandits, or be bandits, or whatever. I don't much care, just want some company. Geographically I'm in North Carolina. I'm in my mid twenties. I've figured out how to play, so there won't be any hand holding, and I'm available to use any voice chat.
  10. I also use these and vouch for the efficacy. One addition, don't try to switch weapons while you run either.
  11. Fantikerz, great work on the map and the back end, I've actually been using it for a couple days already (combined with a different loot-based map) and it works well. The only thing I would recommend is that the markers be changed somewhat. It may be a personal thing, but I have a somewhat hard time differentiating markers from the map itself. I'd say add more contrast via the background outline, or potentially change the graphics altogether (they seem a bit Farmville-esque for a Zombie horror game). It's a great map though, I love the searching and the way the icons light up (dimly :P ) when you hover over them on the key.
  12. Okay, so I've been playing DayZ for about 2 weeks now, and I'm getting the hang of it, so I'm going to list some general advice here. Most of it has been said before, but hey, maybe it will help someone. First of all, when you're new, don't worry about finding a gun right off the bat! Get used to crawling around, sneaking around the zombies. Get some empty whisky bottles, or cans, or any of the other generic trash and learn to throw them to distract Zombies (hit F until "throw" is selected and your reticle turns to a circle). Get a feel for the aggro radius, learn which materials make you louder or quieter. Learn the basic layout of a couple towns, and ideally Cherno and Elektro. Learn which building skins are enterable (read: lootable) and which are wastes of time. Identify the Churches, Supermarkets, Hospitals, and Firestations so you don't have to check a map 24/7. If you find some loot on the way, awesome, but don't go crazy and tear off on a murder rampage (zombie or otherwise), you need to learn the mechanics. You will die, and you will lose your equipment. A lot. Once you have the mechanics down, then you can start hunting the good loot without fear of losing hours of time spent gathering said loot. Personally, I like the Balota area for a decent gear out. Usually you can find at least one nice weapon, and ideally an upgraded backpack. Once you have a weapon and some ammo, your next priorities are an Axe and a book of Matches. These are found all over the place, Axes are commonly in barns and everywhere else, and matches are often nearby, or in supermarkets. Once those two items are secured, you have a method for feeding yourself and regenerating blood (killing and cooking animals over a campfire). Next, as an optional target, go seek out a hospital. These are often heavily guarded, but they have morphine, and you WILL break your legs eventually, whether it's from a zombie or the stairs. By now you're feeling pretty awesome, if you've made it this far, you're about to die, so get ready to start over and stop being so damned cocky. If you've made it back to this part, head north and do some exploring, it's much different away from the coast; people are more infrequent, but the ones you meet will generally be well geared, this makes for very interesting rendezvous. Be very wary of everyone you see. This is essentially where my advice ends, as it's as far as I've made it. I'm pretty well decked out hiding in a northern supermarket, trying to decide what to do next, but I think it'll be finding a tent and starting to horde supplies, and also joining a group of some sort. Have fun, and good luck! -Randiesel PS. One quick protip: Your ammo clips are reloaded every time you log in, don't toss your super duper military rifle just because you're down to 1 round. TL;DR: 1. Explore, learn Zombie aggro range, learn to use cans- die a lot! 2. Learn basic city structure 3. Hunt Balota and other deer stands for decent arms 4. Get Axe, Matches, and Morphine to ensure survival 5. Go North, have fun
  13. Thanks for the quick response! Also, do you allow requests for hosting? I might be interested in a server in NC myself.
  14. I loved them, and my 20ms ping :( Are they coming back?
  15. Hey! I'd love to join up with you guys, I'm an East Coaster as well, but usually stay on until 3 AM or so. Sending a PM