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kergan (DayZ)

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About kergan (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Everyone has their own opinion and each are as legit as the other's...but I agree 100% with the op. My playstyle changed just like his when the starter gun was removed. I see the theory behind it, what with the ease of breaking zed's los now, etc. When I start with a gun I feel I have a chance and I try to survive. I was born and raised with guns as were many of us, and it is a rarity that I am far from one. The odds I would be without one in any type of apocolypse approach zero. Also, when you're in the woods there are all manner of materials that can be readily used as bludgeons, spears, staves, etc. The idea that you have zero way to defend yourself aggressively (hand-to-hand, rocks, sticks...something!) until you crawl your way past zeds into a building is about as stupid and unrealistic a feature as has ever been in any computer game in the history of mankind. It's more like some evil group has intentionally put a bunch of survivors on the beach of an island to bet on which one will survive the longest. If that's what's intended, fine...but we all know it's not don't we? Whatever...it's a great gaming experience and I love it! I'll keep playing regardless of a char's starting state and can't wait to see what comes next.