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Everything posted by thahn204

  1. thahn204


    I agree with the server hopping penatly in some form I don't know exactly how but server hoppers are annoying and especially the ones that server hop and come back to spawn behind you on purpose. I'd be all for squad spawning too but if you spawn in on them enemys can't be within X meters (just like in insurgency mod). This should really be in the suggestion forum though.
  2. thahn204

    Please Help!!

    I had this problem if you bought it through steam verify integrity of game cache or w/e for both arma 2 and arma 2 operation arrowhead then launch both of them once till you get to main menu close them boot up six launcher verify and it should work
  3. thahn204

    Patch 94444 Wrong CDKEY error

    I got the wrong cdkey error but it installed any ways and im fine np joining games
  4. thahn204

    lost all my stuff after update

    some people i play with lost their stuff others didnt think its just luck or bad luck how ever you wanna word it as for me i waited for ever for it to load due to high traffic atm i get in find clothes change and i fall through floor as if im swimming now im back to the waiting as i had to make a new char because of that bug. welcome to alpha dayz
  5. thahn204

    Beta Patch Download Servers Down

    http://www.ausgamers.com/files/download/html/66706 legit latest beta patch download found it in another thread used it my self virus scan it yourself after dling it
  6. thahn204

    DayZ 1.7.2 Stuck on Loading Screen..

    it probably has to do with the new patch everyone connecting and stuff some people are getting their chars reset others aren't so idk i assume its something to do with the amount of people trying to play with new patch just be patient i was stuck at waiting for char to create now it says loading so i made some progress
  7. thahn204

    Waiting for Character to Create

    im stuck at this screen too was fine this morning now bam get stuck here =( just wait it out takes a super long time
  8. as the subject says I fell and broke my leg because in a barn i skipped 2 steps my character fell broke his leg bled out due to being knocked uncontentious wtf? 2 steps? is that a bug or how the game works? I'd understand if I jumped off the hay loft but 2 freaking steps come on.
  9. title says it all I'm looking to buy operation arrowhead from a eu site for way cheaper than any other place but I want to know if there is a difference between EU and NA like versions or something?