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Everything posted by spangley_special

  1. spangley_special

    Invisible Nubs?

    Probably desync. Me and my mate who play to gather notice quite often that one of use will disappear for a while. Anywhere from a minute to twenty plus.
  2. Every one moaning about mods opening the door to EZmode servers need to remember that it goes both ways. Was I the only one that played DayZ 2017?
  3. spangley_special

    The Worst Combat Logger

    I'd have happily gone along with it. Combat logging is a retarded way to cheat the system. Anyway you have my beans for trying to be creative with your banditry.
  4. spangley_special

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    Am I the only one who doesn't think KoS needs fixing? (FYI I don't KoS btw)
  5. 1] Nickname: JackTurbo 2] Region(Country): UK (South West) 3] Are you willing to be active: Yes I'm online a couple of hours most evenings 4] Do you have Teamspeak 3 Including a Michrophone: Yes 5] Steam name: JackTurbo 6] How long have you been playing DayZ: Mod 6 Months+ and a week or so on SA 7] How many Clans have you been In: 0, I've played in groups but never anything serious. 8] Previous experience: Lots of gaming, various fps' and plenty of hours in the mod. 9] How many bandits have you killed: Dunno maybe 10 in SA and around 50+ in the mod. 10] Are you willing to help other players: Always happy to help
  6. spangley_special

    How to mug people as a fresh spawn ;)

    That is simply outstanding, you have my beans. I'll have to give this a go next spawn.
  7. spangley_special

    Graphic settings for sniping

    Also narrow your FoV it'll effectively give you extra zoomed in vision.
  8. spangley_special

    How not to Rage losing a fully equipted character

    For me getting geared up is the most enjoyable section of dayz so I often actually welcome it
  9. spangley_special

    Item accessibility

    I've already been prioitising whats in my pockets/vest compared to my backpack. I think this actually having some effect would add a nice extra element to item management. Like you'd want your mags and pistol in you vest/pocket as when you need them, you tend to need them in a hurry. Food and drink, I'd happily have in my backpack as I'm going to make sure I'm safe before I start eating and drinking anyway. A delay in getting items out of your pack and a smaller additional delay for any containers they're within would be cool in my opinion.
  10. spangley_special

    Waiting for more content.

    Thing is, once kitted up there is no real end game. Its about making your own things to do from there. Check out the fight club video in the gallery section, stuff like that is the way to keep yourself entertained. Get creative. Link: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158677-so-we-kidnapped-3-survivors-and-made-them-fight-to-the-death/
  11. spangley_special

    Using RAMdisk to increase FPS

    a few commonly used files would probably help, like the chernarus map maybe. If you've got a decent SSD I doubt it'd make that much difference. I did it on the mod and it certainly helped, but then I have a relatively old and relatively slow HDD
  12. spangley_special

    Hackers in SA

    You sure he didnt just ghost on you?
  13. spangley_special

    Desert Eagle

    I Voted no, and I really would rather it not be in the game. But just to play devils advocatem, we already have .357 in the game and it is available in that calibre iirc
  14. spangley_special

    Looking For Group (age 25+)

    Hey guys, I'm 25 played the mod loads and recently moved over to SA. Anyone who's mature but at the same time up for a laugh and is UK/Europe based (but ok speaking english) feel free to add me. My Details are in this post http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158520-looking-for-a-group-please-post-your-details-here/?p=1589718
  15. spangley_special

    How long Day Z to be released on PS4?

    Ps4 would be totally capable of playing DayZ. My PC is ancient in computer terms (overclocked dual core intel, ati radeon 3870 etc) and runs the standalone - more or less - fine. By the time its finished may even run smoother once they've finished optimizing (although added features may well counter this). @OP The game is in Alpha on PC and isn't likely to leave Alpha testing for a year or so, then maybe another year in Beta and then another year prior to any likely console release.... So I'd say as a guess 3 years minimum before we see a PS4 version. If it happens at all.
  16. spangley_special

    What are books for?

    We should get a group together and gather all the books and start a Chernaus national library somewhere maybe berezino.
  17. spangley_special

    Death by an Apple

    Well I would have paid far more than a penny for the current build. Heck I'd happily have paid more than a penny even if the hive didnt save characters at all. Quit your whinning go play something else and come back to DayZ when its out of Alpha then.
  18. spangley_special

    What Ruins DayZ

    I feel like DayZ may not be a game for you...
  19. spangley_special

    Looking for anyone to play with.

    If you're looking for an in game buddy who is up for a laugh and will watch your back then feel free to add me on steam and/or skype. My detail are in the general contact thread : http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158520-looking-for-a-group-please-post-your-details-here/?p=1589718
  20. spangley_special

    Melee Weapon Quick Switch Help/Advice

    And its "realistic" to be rooted to the spot unable to move when pulling something off your belt? Gameplay wise I'd say the instachange is closer to realistic, although I agree with those that have suggested a small delay in being able to fire/swing the weapon drawn.
  21. spangley_special

    dayz female skin

    I think the ideal is for all the skins including the females to look a lot more haggard, dirty and grimy. They should look like they've been sleeping rough for weeks, spending their dayz running through forests in the rain and crawling across asphalt in the towns. I don't think they should look "stately and beautiful", however they should look like real women not plastic bimbos
  22. spangley_special

    How do you feel about donation bonuses?

    No. I've been playing a whole load of different servers recently (I am in search of a new long term home) and stumbled upon a server where IRC 25$ got you an as50, ghillie, SD M9, heli and other stuff. Having this stuff on spawn meant they just didn't care if they died so were running around the coast taking on new spawns. Not a good way to build a server, but hopefully takes the people with that kind of attitude and gives them somewhere far from me to do their asshattery, leaving legit servers to attract (hopefully) a better level of regulars.
  23. I like the sound of this. DayZ meets The Oregon Trail.
  24. spangley_special

    Forum friendlies, where the hell are you in-game?

    My play style largely depends on what is happening on sidechat, The server I tend to play has death messages, and if I see that lots of people are getting killed frequently then I tend to KoS as I know with reasonable certainty that there are bandits online. If however there is lots of friendly chatter on side and few death massages then I will be more open to random team ups and such. Will also depend on who is online as the server I play is a private hive and as such has mostly regular players, and you get to know who you can trust and who you cant.