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Posts posted by Tabbykatze

  1. i still dont see proof.

    _object = createVehicle ['UAZ_CDF', [2771.77, 1958.63, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];

    _object setVariable ['ObjectID', 3824.83, true];

    Create vehicle script. And at the exact time he did this, he was kicked by battleye for remoteexec restriction.


    Oh and he was kicked for remoteexec restriction within a minute of him connecting

  2. You were accused of item duplication, and vehicle map hacks. When a vehicle was placed in a known secure location and only two people knew about it, you would all of a sudden have the same vehicle a couple of hours later. and this isnt like stuffed somewhere obvious obvious.

    We started suspecting blindingsun of being a little under handed with someone because an ex-army when he's told to shoot someone, he shoots the crap out of them not waiting five minutes for extra confirmation then finding out he was shot by the same person (a friend?). There is something up with you two but I have no evidence yet. But i'm taking this thread seriously so good luck on future ventures.

    And by the way, signing up someone's e-mail address for your sexual deviancy is not against the Computer Misuse Act.

  3. course it's an argument, you can't fucking accuse me of something with NO evidence and better yet, no REASONS.

    course I'm gonna be pissed also,. I've done nothing wrong. why would I not get defensive. if you'd did this to me in the real world I could take you to court for slander.

    I have my suspicions on yourself and your "friend" about some of the things you and your friend have done. And neither you or your friends attitudes in this thread have left me to believe otherwise.

    You and your friend can carry on being derpistans and nothing you can do to change my opinion.

  4. Ha ha, you think I care about what's in the tents, you actually think my cup of fucks is full for the equipment in there? It's bugged and it will keep respawning and respawning and respawning because of the hive tent id issue. So raid it all you want, it won't change anything. But what I will do is lie down next to my other half, laugh and talk about you and what you're doing then make love to her and giggle at the fact that your special friend is lady palm and her five lovely daughters and the tissue bin next to your bed.

    Pipe down children, it's just a game of which you two are suspected of hacking on :)

    • Like 1

  5. A few days ago, I was on the server sometime mid afternoon, and I heard a black SUV beeping next to elektro chruch, As I slowly snuck up on him, the church suddenly blew up with satchels.

    I suspected he was beeping getting everyone near by so he could make it go boom.

    At this time, crazy loot was spawning everywhere, like FN FAL at supermarket along with blood bags etc.

    When I got close enough to the SUV, i shot the person inside.

    Nyx has been killed.

    I took the SUV and drove towards the mountains, where I parked to tell my mates on steam, "omg i got a black SUV :D", just as I tab back in, I see a person infront on my car and I run him over

    Nyx has been killed

    less than 1 minute later, a person spawns next to me and the SUV blows up.

    I assumed this to be Nyx spawning at my location again, as I was too far in the middle of nowhere for it to be a coincidence.

    That same day, there were massive helly fires everywhere and hellys flying overhead, the sever seemed out of control ;p

    Anyway, yesterday when I got the chopper, guess who was online? Nyx ;p

    Hey, I might be wrong, Nyx just happened to be everywhere and is innocent I get it, by my spidey-sense put Nyx in the conservatory with a lead pipe ;p

    Just came across another post, and although I know it's not proof, I hope it acts as a character witness:


    "Confirmed people who aren't hacking: "Silver" " :D

    Hello all, I'd like to clarify something about this Silver player. He has partaken with a certain now ex-member or even is a bitter rename of said ex-member of our group to finding camps and vehicles. We have no proof he has hacked, he has been killed without his balls even shifting towards our direction.

    However, the circumstances of what has been circulating around our servers recently when he is online have always been one of great chin and beard stroking.

    The post he is quoting is completely invalid and he will not be backed up by any of our group as he was seen exploiting tent glitches and was not removed from the group, but when the TS of the community changed it's logistics, he thought he was banned and went QQ imma rage in ma baby bed.

    As a player partaking in the BSM and RR community and privy to the events that went on, silver/blindingsun (original or 'friends') player name was never one to be trusted.

  6. And that's what's wrong with the current game. You can't 'prove' anything with text and I guess the folks that represent the game don't even care to investigate. Idk... Shit's annoying.

    I would love to have a sell my soul to the devil computer so I can play and record at the same time with a good FPS but sadly we don't all have this luxury.

  7. Hacker seen at 0110 on 06/08/2012. One of our players was running along the edge of the map north of Kamenka and there was nothing behind him, in front, up his ass or licking his balls then all of a sudden when a player named PunisherX.D dies there is a player behind him hacking at him with an axe. The player managed to run out of his hacking range and he just disappears. Then 10 seconds later again after PunisherX.D dies there is a player cycling behind him with an axe on his back trying to run him over. This carries on for a couple of minutes then he gets off the bike, sprints to him, knocks our player out then bandages him after rifling through the kit of which he has none. Then PunisherX.D dies again and leaves our player with the bike, broken legs and low blood. About 5 minutes later i'm cycling in a close proximity to that area then again that same player dies and I have someone saying "hellooooo" as im cycling along. I carry on, get off then circle round. Ask who he is and he doesn't respond. Using the hill as cover because i knew the area he was in I moved around, get into a tree and I see him prone looking right at me. I aim and take a shot, but missed and he slams me with M4A1 SD and I get badly injured. I shot him as he was coming towards me and he didnt even flinch so i immediately disconnect because two M14 AIM shots to the stomach is enough to take anyone down.

    I relay whats happened to my squad and in less than a minute he gets to our stashed chopper about 2km away which would have taken at least 6 minutes via run, 2 via bike but the chopper was well stashed and it's not easily seen from inside the forest as well as a player was watching the chopper so no one could get to it without him seeing it (thermal scope). He gets into the chopper (which was unflyable due to damage) and starts it up! Another of our group unload shots into him <100m into the pilot seat and he was fully zeroed with an L85A2 so he wasnt missing because he could see the blood spray. He cuts the engines, gets out and looks at the side of the chopper. The player that shot at him was now hidden behind a tree so he couldnt be seen by a player. Shots fly through the trees and clip the player and these are aimed shots, not just spray and pray. He gets hit badly and by this time a second player of our group unloads at him with the L85 at 400m and is unloading the whole clip into his stationary body. Again not even a flinch. He even runs at the first player he shot while being shot at centre body at 20m and at 10m. So he disconnects, the other player disconnect and we have resigned our chopper to a god mode teleporting hacker.

  8. Hello there,

    This is more of a curiosity post than anything.

    Because of the tent bugs that has been going on for the past couple of weeks, our server has now become flooded with top value weapons, kits, food and all those lovely things. But for the majority of people in our group (20-25 of us) this is now ruining the game. As well as those bugged tent locations have been publicised on reddit and a couple of other high pop forums so people are just logging on the server every restart to grab kit then going onto their own server.

    What we are thinking about is flashing the server so everything is fresh again, we can have a new influx of players that can make camps because of the decent camp locations are filled with tents that are bugged or just empty (or full of wood). Also a lot of vehicles have glitched so when theyve been destroyed, they are no longer coming back and it has been like this for the past week. I think in the server, the only vehicles still operating are 2 ATVs, 2 bikes, 1 bus, v35 civilian flat bed, one pickup truck, ural and a skoda. Our group has grid searched the map for the past week and none of the vehicles are there. We have also searched the Debug planes.

    We are not doing this because we're being attacked etc etc or we have lost all our kit etc etc or because of the helicopter being stolen. The server is now overloaded with just tonnes of kit and because it's constantly respawning and idiots have been moving items round the tents (not by one of our groups) and saving them so one of the camps is spawning 6 L85s each reset and don't get me started on the 50 calibres -.-


  9. Around 19:20 GMT, everyone's kit on the server changed without any errors or anything else like that. The kit consisted of an AS50 AWS with a load of rounds for it, ghillie suit in the main inventory and in the backpack, there was an M4A1 CCO SD and rounds as well as food and drink and an M9SD pistol sidearm.

    The server was reset and everyones (we hope) kit was returned to their original before the server wide inventory hack.

    Here is a screenshot of the player list:


    We cannot pin down who it was unfortunately, this is just information to try and help others with more info locate who it was.


    Edit: Correction, it's a Makarov SD

    Also, a list of players we know aren't hacking:











  10. Finally! No more artifacts, Hallelujah! But yes, like someone previous said, some ability to flip a vehicle back, maybe you have to have multiple people to do it, i dunno. But im fed up of waiting for a server restart or trying to nudge it with another vehicle, seeing it go to space, circle the moon then explode on the floor with my squished mate beneath it :P

    • Like 4

  11. Hello everybody. Anyone getting this result on every server? "Server is running an incorrect version of the Server Side Application"

    Is there something wrong with the Hive?

    Our server was running' date=' then we all got yellow connections so we restarted it. When it came back up this happened. We've tried multiple servers and, between us, we are all running several different beta versions, so it's probably not that...


    Getting this too on NY22 and Dayz page is down
