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Everything posted by carnageheart

  1. carnageheart

    Banned From a Server hosted by spryzcarn

    you are now unbanned and should be able to connect
  2. carnageheart

    Banned From a Server hosted by spryzcarn

    tim im going to try to unban you not sure how you got banned but ill look into it it will help me alot if you can try to log into the server sometime when you see im connected so i can easily see your guid and remove it form the ban list
  3. carnageheart

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    while i dont condone disconnecting to avoid death in most cases with the number of bugs that can cause death sometimes its needed, ive encountered a bug a few times where im unable to run from zombies, my character started to walk even when im trying to run and have had to disconnect so the zombies dont utterly tear me apart i think its been addressed now but there was a few times i had to disconnect because i was trying to funnel the zombies into a small shack and had to disconnect because they were hitting me through the walls instead of comein in the door. dont take all this as complaining im just useing these as examples to explain why sometimes i might be needed, i realize its an alpha right now, im just wondering if some of these issues will be taken care of before the disconnect kill is implemented. also with as little description as there is about servers sometimes i find myself disconnecting from 5 to 10 servers in a 20 min period just find one thats to my liking ex: no tags, no maker for your character on the map, no crosshair, while most servers do describe abit what there like theres no way to tell the finer details of the server, is it day or night, and just connecting to servers sometimes can be difficult in and of itself. also without nightvision it can be downright hard to play in the dark will this be adressed eventualy?