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About chaklamlee97@hotmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. chaklamlee97@hotmail.com

    looking for someone to play with :)

    Pretty much the same as me, really need someone to watch my back, Add me on steam Macho Gamer 1. I live in UK btw
  2. chaklamlee97@hotmail.com

    UK looking for team ups

  3. chaklamlee97@hotmail.com

    [83rd] Honor Guards UK based group recruiting

    I've been trying to find a UK based group and I would like to join, Although I am 1 year below the minimum I hope it won't be a problem, If you consider me add me on steam, Macho gamer 1 (I know stupid name but I love it) Drop me a message or two!
  4. chaklamlee97@hotmail.com


    Hey man, I'm also trying to find a group to play with, Also just died with a load of loot >.> From England and also 15 Skype is Mega_gamer_1
  5. chaklamlee97@hotmail.com

    Looking for UK/EU players

    Hey I also reside in UK and would love to find some friendlies to survive with >.> Steam name is Macho gamer 1 I know stupid name >.>