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About Skeltah

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Skeltah

    Carbonated Trading

    I have no desire to disrupt your trade, my days of competitive Arma are over, more of just theory of how the heist could take place. I'd rather provide security than participate in the heist, however each side would be truly thrilling. Yes some of those were the weapons I was referring to. I know at some point someone will attempt a heist (as do you), really looking forward to the video of it, hopefully you have several guys recording so we can see it go down. Will be pretty shweet. Thanks for the reply, do you have youtube channel set up already? This idea of yours really sets up for some interesting unique situations, looking forward to those videos.
  2. Skeltah


    It's a powerful medium to long range weapon. If you have ammo for it, use it, or stuff it in your pack, if not, stuff it in your tent, and pray for ammo. If a guy with a M4 catches you running in medium range with your sniper rifle your as good as dead. I normally keep the long range in the pack, and pull it out when needed. Medium range weapon is where you want to be, judging by the threats faced in DayZ. In less of course you camp, and pure sniping fits your game play. I'm constantly mixing it up, in close with zombies and other players, so any sort of sniper rifle is completely out of the question.
  3. Skeltah

    Carbonated Trading

    Sounds like a good way to get into some player killing. Set up the trade with a clean character, perform the trade, do that several times and build trust, and learn how your lil heroin trade security is run. Then simply coop in with the guild and murder you all :) A seasoned Arma 2 player vs. player guild would make quick work of your operation but heck, that's what DayZ is all about. As for actual needs, the only thing any veteran player could want is NVGs or a vehicle, maybe some camo clothes or Ghillie suit. In that case, I would be willing to trade a decent weapon, 3-5 mags, 3 cans of food, 2 cooked meat, 2 blood packs, 3 bandages, 1 morphine, 1 epi-pen, and depending on the vehicle or NVGs, maybe a grenade or two. It would be a about 50% of the above for a Ghillie, and about 25% of the above for camo clothes. I think that sounds fair, and depending on the size of your operation, it would probably take you less time to find and fix a car or other goods than it would for most to collect the items needed for a fair trade, which would be worthwhile for both sides. Good Idea though, you should keep us informed if anyone tries to make a hit on your new business. Like describe how they tried and such, it would be fun to hear of their slaughter, or perhaps your slaughter?
  4. Skeltah

    What is a Carebear?

    Awww.... poor Mikkall raging in the forums because someone called him a carebear HAHAHA how sweet...
  5. Skeltah


    LoL Good stuff.
  6. Skeltah

    Nothing Is Forever...

    Chernarus never seemed small until this mod came out...
  7. Skeltah

    admin i need your help man

    addWeaponCargoGlobal Description: Add weapons to the cargo space of vehicles, which can be taken out by infantry units. MP Synchronized Players are not vehicles, and do not have "cargo". You would just have: unitName addWeapon weaponName if you were adding weapons to your character. It sounds to me, the script that fills cargo space in vehicles is misbehaving somewhat.
  8. Hmmph... I can't disagree with that.
  9. You must not play on full servers... NW Airfield Solo in a 50/50 game is suicide...
  10. Skeltah

    Poll: Do you play at night?

    It depends if I have NVGs or not.
  11. Skeltah

    Broken Bones And No Morphine

    Yes, please do... so I can steal it!
  12. Very long respawn time... I was told it's 7 days. This could be incorrect or changed. Not to mention those who own the server have horded away all the goodies. LOL