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Everything posted by Druskov

  1. Druskov

    Coop Server

    I know many will not enjoy a pure coop server, but I am pretty sure some defiantly will. We all know the feeling when all of sudden in whatever server we are in a large group enters all bearing a clan tag of some sort. They end up doing nothing but camping in a large city or town sniping and/or straight up shooting players that spawn in that city.. Not because you have valuables but because they just want to pvp. I dont think they should be banned or remove pvp but what Im suggesting is that there be a server that is pure coop, meaning no teamkilling and if someone does something like griefing they get kicked off that specific server. My reasons for wanting a coop server is for working together with other players who want to, and trying to do something fun and productive together while trying to live in a zombie infested world. Some may think this is boring and would prefer the pvp side, but what Im saying doesnt affect you, nor would I want it too. It is just for those players who would rather play a more peaceful zombie shooter than quick fast paced ffa w/ zombies in the fray. I would enjoy nice answers and constructive criticism, not just gut feelings and opinions on how it wont work because you yourself are a pvper.
  2. Druskov

    Coop Server

  3. Druskov

    Coop Server

    Some consider trolling an artform :P However I bid thou goodbye and wish you best of luck with the 'mod' I will check in from time to time to see its progress :)
  4. Druskov

    Coop Server

    Are you stating you made a mod to troll people with it? :D if so that is dedication!
  5. Druskov

    Coop Server

    But my intention is to force players to make decisions and that the consequences of those decisions would spark off events that would create rich stories, generating real human emotions. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I felt this one night not from the pvp that is so common but from a night of coop turned bad. This is what I want but since there is no restrictions to how pvp is done or how the game itself is played, I no longer feel that feeling. It also has made my friends as well dislike that game the fact of running around wondering if you should just no longer coop and just shoot whatever survivor you see to avoid any conflict all together. I know that this issue can hardly be fixed but I just wish it could.
  6. Druskov

    Coop Server

    So wait... You intended for flares to make your vision pitch black? I mean I have used road flares before, heck I live in colorado kinda common sometimes hit deer from time to time at night never have I been blinded by my own flare..
  7. Druskov

    Fixed spawn points

    Personally I say add some spawn points inland. Tired of seeing the coast over and over. It will defiantly spread out people and thus slightly tone down pvp as everyone wont just spawn on the coast line.
  8. Druskov

    Concerning PVP

    I think the difference between what we call zombie survival and pvp with zombie in the background screaming are very different things, what this mod will never achieve because this would be far to difficult to even put into any game even if made by godly developers is humanity and morality. Sure you can try but a players choice will be driven by what his gut feelings are in the current situation. Does he actually have a chance to die in real life if he starts a gun fight? No ok so he wont care now and start shooting people because to him there really isnt much of a loss only a few hours of clicking and some frustration few choice words. However those who do cooperate Ive found will easily kill if given a reason to kill and play as If it is the end of the world. Example - One night 3 friends of mine and I were grouped up with a group of 6 other coop players. Someone called out zombies to the west, one of my friends who wasnt very bright turned to the west and shot their leader by accident... this later turned into an all out gun fight that ended up with only a few left living from both sides. That was the trust of each other being broken by one mistake. Now that I would say was my fav moment of this mod. Sure I died with an ak and alot of other gear. Sure I was frustrated but never have I ever felt a zombie survival game capture those types of moments till this mod. Still stands that pkers that kill to kill ruin that feeling rather quick.
  9. This issue is basically game mechanic which will be abused until fixed, so Im pretty sure they want to fix it. Its just how do they go about doing something like this. Trust me the more you throw random ideas sometimes it helps them get the idea that makes it work.
  10. Druskov

    A Nice Spawn System

    I think this would break down the immersion, each time you die your skin is randomized and your totally new char with some basic supplies. Now the point of the tent holding items is so when you log off (saying no one loots your stuff) most items will despawn and new stuff respawns at spawn locations what the tent provides is the ability to store that helicopter rotor you found or that giant sniper rifle you dont feel like you need to lug around with on your scavenging missions. Though nice idea still.
  11. Eh all this encourages is route away from killing zombies and zombie survival to a murder/revenge gamestyle which isnt why Im here -_-' If I wanted that Id actually kill someone or be a vigilante in rl >.>
  12. Druskov

    Where my Moon

    From what I have experienced, which is over a week or so the moon is never up there its like a bug, making only light source being flashlights which are useless when by yourself or flares which are currently annoying as hell since they blind you in first person making 3rd person only viable way to defend yourself, which isnt that great for accuracy reasons.
  13. Wow I have not experienced this yet, but sounds crappy <,< Im all for delayed log out, like a countdown. Possibly make a 5 min ban for those who server hop in minute or less. (so server a > server b >server a = 5 min ban) idk how else to fix that other than make each server their own persistent database or straight up banning these players for using the game mechanics to cheat.
  14. Im ok with the universal settings, generally if the servers are going to be all hooked up then they prolly should use same settings however making someone play first person when they sometimes dont want to is really not what I would call fun, sounds mean actually because you would be forcing your preferences on someone else without even caring. That will kill playerbase fast.
  15. Druskov

    Coop Server

    Eh that is why I am kinda watching forums and seeing what they fix than actually playing. (mix of the servers crashing all the time past few days and the killing) The Instant I see scripts and mission folder for this mod though I will be happy, I will defiantly play this mod singleplayer and enjoy it that way :P (maybe little hosting for friends and myself when killing zombies gets boring by myself)
  16. Druskov

    Coop Server

    Im not saying the coop server has to be even tied to keep the gear between servers... I just want to relax without the need of griefers/pvpers that end up joining most the servers that are currently pvp/pve. So personally if there was a server where I could login see how far I could get and if I need to log I wont care if I lose progress because personally I dont mind. Its just when I get killed when I spawn by a player that makes it not worth playing.
  17. Druskov

    Coop Server

    I like the idea of factions but it sounds longterm and I wouldnt mind more negative effects for killing players than just changing skin to put off senseless killing. However alot of people wouldnt like that and that group of people would be the clans and groups of players who come in and do that stuff. Here is an example of a pkiller to survivor just killing to get items 2 days ago was playing on ny3, found myself a ak74 with some ammo, had an allice pack full of supplies and the group I was with also had ak's and hunting rifles. I get sniped... My group runs away from the scene that man just got alot of gear. Did he snipe anyone else. No. Why cause he took a chance at getting better gear and it worked in his favor. He didnt have to hunt the others because they chose to leave fast enough where he didnt feel like they were a threat. Now I was sad I lost some gear but I dont resent or hate what happened I expected some stuff like that to happen. Now for example 2 Playing on same server spawn in town brand new. Get sniped instantly. Surely he noticed I just spawned had no gear. I mean he defiantly could see that with his scope. I just died earlier before he sniped me. He must have known. Did it stop him from just shooting me just cause he could. No. I spawn again just on off chance he didnt notice and he was far away. I didnt put much more thought in it and just let it drop. I spawn relatively close again to the town I died in so I think hmm Ill go check out.. Bam my head explodes again from the same exact player... Now I know he seen me because where I spawned I was actually closer. Soon I see his whole clan join. It turns into nothing but a tdm in that town and ffa match within a game I thought was about zombie survival. Not freakin cod match. The fact that I just spawn and have to find cover and not feel like my character is new and ready for adventures. Having to duck behind cover from pistol rounds and hunting rifle shots, when I just spawned, made the game less immersive and kinda crappy. I even seen some pkillers respawn just to get more pistol ammo to kill players.