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Everything posted by Inspector_Gadget

  1. Inspector_Gadget

    Stuck unconscious?

    need to starve to death and die. sorry for your loss.
  2. Inspector_Gadget

    White glitch with the ground

    it's a graphics glitch. it's either cured by closing out of arma2oa or by upgrading your drivers.
  3. Inspector_Gadget

    Six updater and xsplit

    open the game, click in game, minimize click add game source, record.
  4. Inspector_Gadget

    Errors out the ***

    delete your dayz folder, delete your beta folder, and go into your documents and delete everything within the mpmissions folder in ArmA 2\Saved\mpmissions. see if that does a fix all.
  5. Inspector_Gadget

    HELP PLEASE - Unconcious on spawn bug

    just minimize arma and go do something while your guy starves..
  6. go into your oa expandsion/beta folder copy the arma2oa.exe go two folders back, rename the arma2oa.exe that's in it to something else, then paste the arma2oa.exe into it.
  7. Inspector_Gadget

    Cant respawn after falling unconscious

    it's a bug that's been going around. try closing out of arma2oa, if nothing, starve your character so he does. makes sure you have the latest patches.
  8. yeah... it's always bad when everyone has the same cd key. they're suppose to use different keys.
  9. you mean arma2oa, right? and if your having version problems delete your dayz folder in your arma2 operation arrow head folder and have six launcher reinstall it.
  10. i've only heard this if your using the same connection.
  11. have you ever given your cd or used your copy on an unsecure computer? and when was the last time you used it before you got this error?
  12. Inspector_Gadget

    CTD Every time I try to connect to a DayZ server

    sorry, i'd help you, but most i think about these type of reports is the answer is isn't to tamper with the reg unless your removing stuff. i'd say try a total reinstall of arma2oa. and make sure you computer can run it.
  13. Inspector_Gadget


    if you have the steam version, put this into launch options; -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -mod=@Dayz then, go into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta copy arma2oa.exe goto C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\ rename the arma2oa.exe that's in there to something else, then paste the arma2oa.exe into there. if anything else, delete your @dayz folder and your beta folder and get six launcher to redownload them. unless your want to goto ftp's.
  14. Inspector_Gadget

    HELP PLEASE - Unconcious on spawn bug

    it takes a while because you're not moving, unfortunately, it's the only one without someone killing you, but who knows where you'd be.
  15. Inspector_Gadget

    " Arma 2 Reinforcements Has Stopped Working "

    dayz uses arma2 operation arrow head and arma 2. you need both, mainly OA.
  16. Inspector_Gadget

    Problem with trying to join a server pic

    nothing to do with six launcher. i believe he's talking about those red letters there. try deleting your beta folder and your @dayz folder, and let six launcher download and install them. see if that fixes them.
  17. Inspector_Gadget

    DayZ Stuck on Wait for host

    i never wait on host. if it goes to wait to host, at most 5 minutes was my time i waited before i tried a different server. if it doesn't go through in 5 minutes, the server won't let you in. you should be held more in a 'loading' than a 'wait for host'.
  18. Inspector_Gadget

    What patch SHOULD I be using?

    go into your arma2 operation arrowhead, and delete your @dayz folder, then run six launcher. or you can download it through ftp or torrent, whichever you prefer.
  19. Inspector_Gadget

    DayZ Disconnecting my internet

    i've never had an issue where it shuts my internet down, it might be running more out of your internet than you can handle or your router is being pushed a bit more than it can handle. i would look into modem/router/isp first.
  20. Inspector_Gadget

    Missing crosshair/ironsights

    there's a bit of an iron sight on it... but it's a lot harder, if you look at you tube and other sites you can see some info about iron sight usage.
  21. Inspector_Gadget

    HELP PLEASE - Unconcious on spawn bug

    it's a bug that's been going around since 95168, check your versions make sure your running 95208, and as to how to resolve.... go into the main menu make a new character or wait for your guy to starve to death, those or the only two choices you have really.
  22. Inspector_Gadget

    Crazy Grey Stuff

    laptops can be a b**** sometimes, that's why there's sites like; http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/intro.aspx
  23. Inspector_Gadget

    Dead on Connect unable to press any buttons

    please, oh please stop your shit. i do. you should do your research. it was the most common problem that came up after the 168 patch.
  24. Inspector_Gadget

    Crazy Grey Stuff

    i have a computer from nasa... it's 5 years old. they tell you what the requirements are, some ppl don't look at them though.
  25. Inspector_Gadget

    Missing crosshair/ironsights

    right click with a pistol brings your pistol up to the center of the screen. you might run into problems at first since right click also zooms. practice makes perfect.