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About Sonho

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  1. hey, i just wanted to know how to change a color of your skin to afroamerican? really wanna try out a female afroamerican :3
  2. Sonho

    sniper with silencer?

    thanks lads :3
  3. Oi lads, so i was watching a stream on twitch where a guy had a Sniper with a silencer and i just wanted to know where you could get one? im not totaly sure if it was a sniper but it did have a scope and silencer and looks badass <3 Also, where can you find nightvision? been checking military tents and barracks all over the place now! Thanks alot -Sonho
  4. Sonho

    Shaking camera?

    Thanks lad! ill try the painkillers :3
  5. Sonho

    Shaking camera?

    Hi, So all of sudden my camera started to shake. I got max blood and no injuries? I have tried to reconnect to different servers and its the same there. This also is effecting the ironsight aswell, my lad im playing with got the same thing happening to him <- -Sonho
  6. Sonho

    Elektro Hospital?

    Ah thanks alot Diener! Enablerbr, yes i know about that hospital aswell. But on the map there was one close to the docks. so i though i would check it out instead of going inside x3
  7. Sonho

    Elektro Hospital?

    Hi, so i started to play a few days ago and im using a map i found here on the forums (http://dayzhq.com/map/) and if you look at the docks in Elektro there should be an hospital? however, i have been crawling around there for a while and the marked house on the map.. you cant enter it and there's nothing on the roof. Am i on the wrong building or is the map lying? XD Thanks Sonho :3
  8. Sonho

    New Six Launcher Update

    i updated my Six Launcher aswell. No problem for me though. Still the same old launcher
  9. Sonho

    Some newbie questions

    Press X to "sit/crouch" And yes you can use the carparts to repair cars :3 I just started playing.. so dont know about the Tents XD but there's Deer Stands in the forest
  10. i just downloaded the mod 10hours ago and started to play. Sure its hard the first times (i died 5 times) but now i know the map and i know where i can find stuff. It aint THAT hard <-