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Everything posted by Desperado1991

  1. To be honest I hate complaining,heck I even made an account just to post this topic! Anoyance level must be at 100% at the moment,here's the story! So I heard of this game/mod totaly over hyped and the best game some people ever played. So I bought arma 2 just for Dayz,wel was I in for a treat,after 5 hours of waisting my time running around on a boring landscape all I could find where 2 stupid axes and no guns! Zombies somehow have telekinetic powers to duplicate or teleport inside house and aside from that in every freaking item spawn sot there is a fucking zombie so how am I suppose to get a gun or a stupid axe or whatever if I cant even kill the zombie protecting that junk? I waisted 30€ on this shit!