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Everything posted by NCreepy

  1. NCreepy

    How long have you been alive?

    Maybe you should ask, how many active hours have you been alive ? Ingame days is easy to accumulate, just play for 1 hour each day and hide in a tree somewhere.
  2. Are you guys having problems with your servers today ? I log on but after 5-10 minutes i get kicked because my battleye is not responding or i lose connection and the servers seems to be down.
  3. NCreepy


    A proud moment i'm sure :D
  4. Nothing is guaranteed to spawn anywhere as it is random.
  5. That would imply they're good enough to do so. Virfortis I know can't even land a headshot when he has the drop on some one. I would assume that his point was the fact that they use the forums instead of doing it ingame.
  6. I'm not sure why ppl use the word "realistic" about this mod ? There is very little about this mod that IS realistic. And trust me, you don't really want realistic..
  7. You guys seems to rarely be seen on your EU servers and mostly on your US21 server. Why is this ?
  8. NCreepy

    Is DayZ realistic?

    There are sertain elements that can under strain be called realistic. There are far more things that is not.
  9. It doesn't bother me that i start without a weapon. But if the reason was/is because it lessens PKing, then no. It's not working as intended. PPl who play games for the sake of killing other players could care less about whether you have a gun or not. Give me a map though and i'd be more happy. Swap out the useless flashlight with NVGs and i'd be even more happy ;)
  10. NCreepy

    EU DayZ MATURE community ( 18 + )

    Yes and ppl in their 30s who act like they are in their early teens :)
  11. In all reality, i think one would get bored rather quickly without pvp. Zombies aren't ATM capable of making you even think about getting a little on edge.
  12. There seems to be very few pistols/revolvers to find. Rifles are still easy to locate though.
  13. Maybe they can form a queue infront of the barracks and sell tickets for entrance. 1 can of beans and 1 box of cola per person. Kids can enter free of charge.
  14. NCreepy

    EU DayZ MATURE community ( 18 + )

    I hope you mean menthal age and not physical age. There is a difference they say...
  15. NCreepy

    white dot paranoia.

    It's an attempt to simulate how you see things in RL that isn't directly infront of you.
  16. Fantastic idea. Lets make and uber boss fight in the barracks, and you need atleast 10 ppl to take it down with sidestepping and tapdancing or whatever it is they do in MMOs these days. I guess we need a healer class now and a tank oh and DPS classes added too :D
  17. I guess i am not a "carebear". Anyways i could care less about continuing this as it will probably just spin out of someones controll. Take care and have fun in dayz :)
  18. I love this person, for various reasons, one of which, is displayed above. I guess he didn't read that i don't play on this server.
  19. I usually end up with a shot to my neck as i am BBQing a cow or reading a map. I don't get angry at my apparent bad luck. This seems to happen in the (what i think/though should be) the most desoalte places. ah well. it's easy to gear up and try again hehe
  20. NCreepy

    Broken Bones And No Morphine

    If you read up on the patch notes for 1.7.2 you will see that he is trying to remedy this slightly when it comes to zombie attacks. Not sure how so many ppl are able to break legs climbing stairs/walking through doors though, as i don't have this particular problem.
  21. I'm sure you can scrape by, not playing on that server :) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principle Yes yes, i know. It was just a friendly suggestion though. I don't play on this server, but i personally could care less what those ppl do :)
  22. I'm sure you can scrape by, not playing on that server :)