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Everything posted by AllMightyHammer

  1. AllMightyHammer

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Can someone pls tell me, what this update is good for? I still cant play the game because of cheaters... You can bring 100 updates, it wont change the you-cant-play-the-game-problem...
  2. AllMightyHammer

    Cheater problem is getting bigger!

    its true, this mod is dead, thanks to cheaters. We need to wait for standalone, but the release date is unknown... that sucks
  3. AllMightyHammer

    Cheater Plague 2.0

    I was on a low populated server with my mate. This server was marked as full protected in rocket launcher. After a 30 min playing me and my mate were killed by a cheater. After respawning, the whole server was teleported in to the ocean. Thanks to rocket, who disabled the respawn button, i cant get back to land. THANK YOU ROCKET. I dont gonna swim for an hour, just to be teleported back in to the ocean again. My question is: when will Arma 2, DAYZ or BattleEye do something against cheaters? I am asking for an official statement!!!!
  4. AllMightyHammer

    Cheater Plague 2.0

    i hope you will get your money back.
  5. AllMightyHammer

    Cheater Plague 2.0

    yea lets just wait for the stand alone. ah wait ... releasedate: unknown ...
  6. AllMightyHammer

    Bit more hardcore

    you have my beans!
  7. AllMightyHammer

    Can Someone Explain WTF Happened???????

    obviously a hacker
  8. AllMightyHammer

    Is anyone friendly

    Friendly is dead. There is no reason to be friendly.
  9. AllMightyHammer

    What do you do while waiting?

    i am getting fucking angry, while waiting at loading screen
  10. AllMightyHammer

    Spawn and joining problems after!

    same for me, you just cant join a server and then, if you join back an server you spawn at coast
  11. AllMightyHammer


    RayPugh just stop posting your meaningless shit at each thread about hackers. I am sure, you are one of this bastard hackers out there, you should be banned too.
  12. AllMightyHammer

    This game is full of A-holes

    this game is dying
  13. AllMightyHammer

    BattlEye on hackers

    yea and just 5 min. ago i was teleported in to the air and would be dead, if not escaped with alt + f4
  14. AllMightyHammer

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I agree with Seradest. We dont need new stuff, as long as there are so many bugs.
  15. AllMightyHammer

    Zombie Respawns...

    The Problem is not the respawning Zombies, it is the way how fast they respawn. I killed about 20 Zombies in an area and in no time the area was full of zombies again. Common guys, pls let people about 10 minutes so they can search in a cleared area for items. Otherwise it is unrealistic as hell.