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About theerebus

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. theerebus

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    I like the logout timer, it makes perfect sense. However it MUST have the ability to interupt the logout process simply by moving in game. I dont want to be frozen in place to see a player coming in from some unknown location or suddenly realize i have a zombie about to chew on my neck. Sometimes other players are good at what they do... and there not seen. I want the option to suddenly take cover and interupt a logout timer should i suddenly come under
  2. Server Option... that can be disabled by admins... Why is there even a conversation? im confused...
  3. theerebus

    Spawn Rules

    So if your in a building when you connect to a server... the building will despawn its loot? not sure Ive noticed this before... can anyone else confirm or deny this?
  4. theerebus

    Spawn Rules

    Ive been trying to pin down the exact spawn rules... Ive heard that if you loot everything and place it in the center of the room of just off the spawn points it causes a quicker respawn... is this accurate? Also, will loot spawn while you are standing there or do you have to get out of range or something? If moving loot helps and loot spawns even when your there.. could you essentially camp a single room and continue stacking gear up in a pile?
  5. theerebus

    So....when will it be playable?

    Bottom line the game is not intended to be "Playable" as a finished product... its intended to be tested... broken... hacked... glitched... exploited... and run threw its paces. So that when the final product hits its release there wont be these problems. As per the game being playable in general.... Ive played for days on a single character. My Current Character will be going on his 3rd night with about 4 hours of game play a night... I've broken bones from zombies... I've agro'd when it dident seem like i should... but i'm prepared and constantly aware and that's all that's required for survival from all game elements except other survivors. Get the supplies you need... target the weapons you need... and these problems wont be a big issue... sure you might get a broken bone or two... and its a known issue... so raid the hospital! At this moment i think i have 6 Morphine Injectors in my bag for just such mishaps. idk... if you cant live more then an hour... Its NOT the game... but your gameplay My sentiments exactly
  6. theerebus

    Best place to find a tent?

    Supermarkets tend to be great places to locate a tent