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About reverend

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  1. reverend

    Beta 95168 - Double performance

    My FPS are more stable after install. Used to get up to 90 then down to 15 in big cities, now I sit between 50 and 40 FPS. I dip to 30 in big cities, definate improvement. I think it uses more CPU because I crashed after about 10 min. I was overclocked above usual since this game didn't use as much CPU. Backed down to 3.6ghz and now smooth sailing. improvements might be hardware dependant so here are my specs. Phenom II 655 @ 3.6 4 gig ddr2 6400 @ 900mhz ati HD6950 2gb (very slightly OC) seagate baracuda 500 graphics settings at very high except object detail at normal AA at high AF at high Post Processing OFF view range 1600m resolution 1600x900 (native)
  2. Simple answer...you won't this game was designed to be damn near impossible so Rocket is taking out the games exploits to bring it back to it's roots. Once the game is reset/wiped and everyone starts from scratch again it is going to be awesome!
  3. reverend

    Do's and Dont's of D/Cing

    If I have to go AFK and am not ready to quit for the night I find an isolated place in the woods & go prone. There's no "time out" for a pee break during the zombie appocalypse.
  4. reverend

    Graphical Issues

    This game is based on the ARMA II engine. It is a military simulator not a FPS' date=' so it is very CPU dependent due to all of the calculations to make it accurate to every situation. Also it is just about the most poorly optimzed piece of software on the planet. Unfortunately very few laptops can play it at all, much less well. Add to that this this is a MOD in Alpha built on this software. Try setting everything to the lowest settings, lower your 3D resultion 20% lower than the native of the laptop. Then maybe (just maybe) you will be able to play. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but unfortunately this is where you stand. [/quote'] Oh you misunderstand. The game runs fine, no visible chugging or anything. I've had this problem before with other games on this laptop but they honest to God just sorted themselves out (not sure how of course) and never showed up again. The game seems to run just fine. No lag, no animation issues, etc. Just this weird visual tearing and stretching. Okay I think I have the screenshots attached. Got em saved and everything, then went to the attachment part and, well, attached them. Hopefully. This game kills the best of graphics hardware. I think you might be having heat issues with your graphics card. I don't know where you live but it is hot as hell in Texas right now. This might explain why your problem sometimes goes away. Try playing the game with your laptop suspended so the bottom is resting on something at both ends like a couple of books, leaving the bottom some air flow. Generally, even with desktops, when the graphics card gets overheated you will see artifacts like this. If this experiment works you might want to invest in a laptop cooler. Basically it's a stand that you plug into one of your USB that has fans to draw hot air away from your components. good luck!
  5. Actually now that you mention the gas can, rotary assembly thing..... I retract my simulator statement, I guess Rocket just made it that way so you couldn't hoard guns. More than anything I just wish you could use your hatchet as a secondary instead of a pistol. Oh well, it's a MOD in Alpha lets see what the update brings to the table.
  6. If you try to put something in a backpack that takes more slots than the packpack has it will "eat it". So basically don't try to put anything in a backpack that would not fit in a backpack i.e. a rifle, rocket launcher, giraffe, or bass boat. Not trying to be a dick, in fact it happened to me more than once before I got the into the proper mind set. This is a simulator, not a game, your backpack is not a magical place that can hold a storage locker worth of gear. Hopefully in future patches when you overstuff the bag the items will simply fall on the ground, untill then common sense prevails.
  7. reverend

    Graphical Issues

    This game is based on the ARMA II engine. It is a military simulator not a FPS, so it is very CPU dependent due to all of the calculations to make it accurate to every situation. Also it is just about the most poorly optimzed piece of software on the planet. Unfortunately very few laptops can play it at all, much less well. Add to that this this is a MOD in Alpha built on this software. Try setting everything to the lowest settings, lower your 3D resultion 20% lower than the native of the laptop. Then maybe (just maybe) you will be able to play. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but unfortunately this is where you stand.
  8. Have you tried disconecting from steam and then relogging?
  9. Bad stick of RAM go figure. My girlfriend tried to boot up the system this morning & called me to say it just kept beeping. Well I know what that means, so after work I took out the sticks one at a time and found the little bugger. Now I can play at my native resolution with decent frames even though I'm down to 3 gigs now. Guess it's time for me to get into this decade and buy a motherboard that supports DDR3. I could replace the bad stick but I think it might be worth getting a AM3+ board since the cost would be offset by the fact that DDR3 is so much cheaper than DDR2. Also I would be ready if the next generation of AMD processors is better than my Phenom II 965 BE. Yes, yes I know intel CPU are far better, I'm just a cheap bastard :D
  10. reverend

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Moving sucks, the biggest language barrier I have faced has been North Texas Accent to South Texas Accent (bigger difference than you think). I can't immagine what Dean is going through, good luck brother. And to all of the people that have been bitching and moaning about how he promised them a patch.....Try moving out of your mothers house before you try and judge his work ethic.
  11. reverend

    Stuck on "walk"

    If you aren't carying a weapon it's a known bug. The game puts you in aim mode (but you can't tell because you aren't holding anything). Just right click & you should be able to run again. This drove me nuts right after they made the no starter pistol change until someone on the forum pointed it out to me.
  12. I downloaded and installed the Private Military Company expansion in order to get high rez textures. Now I can not join any servers, I get a long list of files the server will not accept. Does anyone know a fix ofr this? thanks in advance.
  13. reverend

    PVZ vs PVZ

    I meant to bring back the bandit skin. However after thought I think I have a better solution. If you are within voice range you can see the players tag if they are on your team ie. Bandit/Survivor. That way even someone wearing a guile suit will be visible as a teamate. This should be possible in ARMA code and would alow people to wear different skins as well. This also allows the bandit sniper types to kill from a long range.