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About hugilljoseph@gmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. hugilljoseph@gmail.com

    (HsH) Need members for RPserver bandit group (its a tuff challenge)

    I'm interested. I have school and work so i can't be on a lot (most 2-5 hours a day), but i usually am on whenever there is spare time. My steam is KingKazul
  2. hugilljoseph@gmail.com

    New Survivor Group- Now recruiting

    Steam ID : KingKazul In-game Id: Edgar Approx. Hours: 300+ Specialty/Skills: Sniping/Scouting
  3. hugilljoseph@gmail.com

    Hacker on US 245- Hacker (<<FluKe>>)

    I second this post.
  4. hugilljoseph@gmail.com

    Starting a 'Serious Group'

    I havent been able to contact kyle or anyone. Idk whats up.
  5. hugilljoseph@gmail.com

    Starting a 'Serious Group'

    I would like to join this group but I'm only 18. I have been playing with serious clans/guilds for 5+ years though. I am willing to prove that I am a serious player and would be a valuable member. I have Ts3. My steam is KingKazul. Hope you consider me. Thanks.