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Everything posted by colinm9991

  1. colinm9991

    Solving Both End-Game/Meta-Game and KoS Problems At Once

    Supply drops? I'll ask again in this thread like the last. Who drops them? why aren't they evacuating people or intercepting?. If the answer to the above is "They don't want to extract people from a highly infected land", then the answer is fire-bombing to kill and eliminate the infection. Why would they leave us all alive because it's not 'nice' to kill us all or firebomb?. No, they'd firebomb the country the destroy the infection and take the risk of expanding that infection out. So no, supply drops make ABSOLUTELY ZERO sense.
  2. colinm9991

    Does the silencer actually work?

    Not implemented fully yet.
  3. colinm9991

    Defibrillator ?

    Same here. I've tried Epi and Defib Nothing except a Saline bag works when I have unconscious players.
  4. colinm9991

    Just got hacked [solved]

    I woke up on the wrong side of the womb. It takes a lot quicker to search, than it does to post one of these threads.
  5. colinm9991

    Just got hacked [solved]

    Before you throw wild 'h'accusations around like that title (I suggest changing it to "I did NOT just get hacked") try using the search button or even use the bug tracker. Firstly, even if you did get hacked, what is anybody here supposed to do with just THAT bit of information you posted? Secondly, it's a well known bug, it's not a hack.
  6. colinm9991

    What happened to 10 -- 15buck$ alpha pricing?

    Wrong. CoD Kiddie is a nickname for somebody who comes in to DayZ with all guns blazing expecting to be a professional no-scoping legend, then they come to the forums to bitch and moan when things don't go their way. If you're anti-cod then you don't have to mention the word "CoD kiddy" everywhere, or rant about how it's less money for CoD. Activision have their millions already, no need to be pretentious in any way. We're all off topic however, so let's get back to abusing (kidding) the op.
  7. colinm9991

    Combat logging

    Is it preventing you from launching the game, or is it causing crashes and dump files to generate?
  8. colinm9991

    Combat logging

    Actually, one is not against the law; but it's the same mentality as what you have. You are still ruining the game experience for the next person.
  9. colinm9991

    Combat logging

    I just joined the game and tried to shoot a guy, he is a hacker. Now he fires on me, so why shouldn't I be a hacker?
  10. colinm9991

    sanity punish for KOS?

    You're a fucking idiot (Has to be said). That website is fake, and has fake statistics. It says it ON the website itself. Once again, you're a fucking idiot.
  11. colinm9991

    KoS is not part of the game, it IS the game.

    Can we get a script or macro system set up where if it detects the words Kill On Sight, or KoS in a thread title or beginning body text, then it would merge that thread in with the existing KoS thread?...
  12. colinm9991

    Combat logging

    Oh look, it's one of these threads again. Oh boy.
  13. colinm9991

    What happened to 10 -- 15buck$ alpha pricing?

    Alpha is $10, Beta is $10, Full game is $10, that amounts up to the full $30 for DayZ on Steam. No, No and No. Really?.. Okay, I'll break it down for you like I do every other person who jumps on the same bandwagon as you. Several times in your post you have mentioned "Alpha for $10". Did it ever occur to you that the standalone isn't going to magically disappear from your steam list when the Alpha is over? There is going to be a beta, a full release and even AFTER the full release there will still be patches (Despite ArmA 3 being a complete flop, and ArmA 2 having to get finished by the modding community, I will admit that BI are fantastic with patch updates). It's not the same map at all either; have you even bothered to look around towns? Notice how 90% of the buildings are enter-able compared to ArmA 2's 40% (Roughly)?. Notice how there is a major increase in buildings on the map, how towns actually look like towns and not some pitiful villages?. Notice the little stretch of land way up north with roads and fields carved for more towns? In fact, have you noticed any changes in this yet or are you just looking for something to rage about so that you can stand out on the forums?. Also, do you finally notice how I'm talking to you as if you've never played the mod? That's because 90% of your post was made up of shit that completely falls apart. Alas, the ideas are not "un-original", in case you didn't notice, the same people had the same ideas for the mod... Conclusion: The Alpha is indeed $10, if you look at it the right way.
  14. colinm9991

    (Video) Geared server hopper joined at the wrong time

    Good to see you here sir!, I wanted to let you know some way that we weren't shooting at you as I let off quite a few rounds in a short amount of time. Here's a more direct video of the hopper P.S; Passing on the love, we checked and left you go, you returned the favor for another guy getting chased down by a bandit, he'll do the same and it keeps going on and on :P The only other reason for spawning in an airfield would be combat logging, in either cases; he deserved to die. When in game radio and what not comes in, I'll consider using it. But until then, since I can never hear any people talking due to my cheap-brand Logitech 5.1 speakers, I'll stick to using a headset and teamspeak.
  15. colinm9991

    (Video) Geared server hopper joined at the wrong time

    I'm speculating that the guy who shot is the guy we left go prior to killing the hopper. I'm thinking that when I shot the hopper, he thought I was actually shooting him so he set up and tried to take us out. I've no idea, you're most likely right that he's nobodies friend; although he logged too after the hopper left the server (all possibilities). Either way, I don't see any other reason than hopping, to log out in a military complex, a high-loot area with very high risks of death. The server was very low pop at the time too, again I'm speculating that the hopper thought there would be nobody at NEAF, because it's NEAF...
  16. colinm9991

    DayZ start button (icon) "play" -dont react

    purpple, Uninstall Stem completely, use CCleaner to clean your Registry; click "Scan" under the Registry section, then Clear. Re-install steam and re-download DayZ. NOTE! Doing this will delete all of your steam downloaded games, may be worth while backing up your "SteamApps\Common" folder if you don't have a fast net speed. --Update-- Verified fix: Uninstall Steam, Clean Registry with CCleaner and re-install steam thus re-installing DayZ
  17. colinm9991

    sanity punish for KOS?

    You make too many Pro-KoS threads, just as bad as the Anti KoS threads.
  18. colinm9991

    Joining a server pop-up

    This is a BattlEye License, Agreement and Disagreement tab. Press Right or Tab and Enter; may succeed. If not then post it on the bug tracker.
  19. colinm9991

    DayZ start button (icon) "play" -dont react

    Both different issues, I have partially diagnosed Anubis' issue in private messaging. You have two things to try 1) Restart your PC, update your drivers. 2) Click Start -> Right click Computer -> Manage -> Event Viewer -> Windows Logs -> Application. Look for any Red Errors that happened Recently and check to see if "DayZ.exe" is listed in the General Tab description in the Event Viewer, post any errors you find in a ticket on the Bug Tracker. I cannot offer too much assistance because I do not know what the forum policies are on this; I may receive a warning post or an infraction. If the forum staff say it's okay, then I'll provide offering assistance.
  20. colinm9991

    DayZ start button (icon) "play" -dont react

    Both of you try opting in to the experimental build (or opt out if you're already in) and launch then. Have a loot at Task Manager -> Processes and see if "DayZ.exe" starts up at all after you click Launch or Start. If DayZ.exe is already running in "Processes" then click the Process and "End"
  21. colinm9991

    DayZ start button (icon) "play" -dont react

    Right click the RPT file and Open in Notepad. Paste the contents in to a pastebin file and link it here.
  22. colinm9991

    DayZ start button (icon) "play" -dont react

    Go to your user profile and type "\AppData\Local\DayZ" manually (without quotation marks) Or Press Alt, click Tools -> Folder Options -> View -> Show Hidden Files & Folders.
  23. colinm9991

    DayZ start button (icon) "play" -dont react

    Go back to C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\DayZ and paste the contents of DayZ.rpt in to some Quote or Code marks. Quote & Code BBCode selectors are on the forum message editor options.
  24. colinm9991

    has anyone else noticed this?

    128GB SSD with only System files and DayZ installed on, everything else such as the user profile were changed in the registry to a hard drive. 5FPS Increase. Don't believe all of this "Fantastic quality on SSD, super duper fast".
  25. colinm9991

    DayZ start button (icon) "play" -dont react

    Also, delete your C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\DayZ folder during the wipe.