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Everything posted by colinm9991

  1. colinm9991

    KoS Video. Bring on the hate!

    Well, you do have a nice aim.
  2. colinm9991

    Dayz Capture and Encoding for YT, my first SA video

    I've noticed some pixelation too, it happens in some of my videos where-as it's non-existent in others, even with the same settings. Here's a video without blurriness, Here's a video with blurriness, Same options, render settings and what not; have no idea what could be causing it to be honest.
  3. colinm9991

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    Oh, it's one of these threads again.
  4. colinm9991

    DayZ Please. Can't Play a game ?

    Everything looks normal, strange. It could be an error with the master browser list, you'll have to wait until an update or patch is released. Hopefully it's within those two weeks you're away :thumbsup:
  5. colinm9991

    DayZ SA mouse delay?

    Mouse delay, Keyboard delay is by far the worst. It'll all be fixed hopefully.
  6. colinm9991

    This is not what I hoped DayZ would be

    This has been my most interesting life and I friggin love this game thanks to how it went down. Oh really?, what happened to "friggin love this game"?. You had one death or bug and now you're raging hard because you're too stupid to realize that there are precautions to take when entering towns and buildings instead of just sprinting in with Direct Commns hot mic'd up whilst screaming "HEY GUYS LETS SET UP A SAFE ZONE AND KEEP BANDITS OUT SO COOOOL!". Three words; Fuck off mate, I am not sure how exactly you compare any game to GTA (Especially GTA V if that's your idea, that horrible horrible game), but just leave.
  7. colinm9991

    Okay here's the problem : Gear Hoarding

    The whole point of an Alpha is to release patches. There is an extent to which the excuse "Alpha" covers. Like I said on a previous post, people said "Alpha" for ArmA 3, and that turned out to be a pile of shit. ( I am not calling DayZ a pile of shit, before anybody tries turning the words around, I am using ArmA 3 as an analogy to explain how people always hide behind the word "Alpha" no matter what bug is reported )
  8. colinm9991

    Okay here's the problem : Gear Hoarding

    I have absolutely no problem with dying by the hands of a player and losing my gear, but it's absolutely crap that I lose ALL of my gear randomly when a server restarts; with no possible patches in sight for another month or so for a problem that has existed since day one.
  9. colinm9991


    Then there is absolutely no cover against players other than buildings. Optimize your Config file and in-game Graphical settings to have better performance.
  10. colinm9991

    DayZ Please. Can't Play a game ?

    Could you expand the "Listening Ports" tab and re-post another screenshot? I'm assuming the Master Browser is around port 59900 seeing as how the ArmA 2 servers were always around 2302->
  11. colinm9991

    DayZ Please. Can't Play a game ?

    You could find whether you are established to a connection for DayZ; take note of your latency. Just a tip, once DayZ is running you can also "check" the box on the top tab "Processes with Network Activity" that corresponds to the name "DayZ". There it will filter only for ports in use by the program which should look like this P.S; This isn't so much about just fixing your problem really, it's more about finding out whether certain 'instances' of DayZ are allowing, or even attempting a connection with the home ports for the server browser, or even data requests.
  12. colinm9991

    Stuck in a room

    What Applejaxc said, always does the trick.
  13. colinm9991

    DayZ Please. Can't Play a game ?

    What you could do is view a Network Monitor on your PC and see if there are incoming and outgoing packets for data push/pull with DayZ. Then report that issue on the DayZ Bug Tracker with your Network Analysis logs, including PC Dump Files and DayZ RPT File.
  14. colinm9991

    Get knocked the f*ck out

    So why exactly are you shooting him for knocking your guy out? Is he dead regardless? Are you just being typical bandits?
  15. colinm9991

    Anyone else bored?

    Wouldn't be sure, every character I've had has been equipped within 30 minutes to 1 hour. Great environment, but there definitely needs to be a decrease in weaponry.
  16. colinm9991

    How to open map?

    Put it in to your quick slots and press the corresponding number --Edit-- There are different types of maps, if you find "E Map of Chernarus" then you only need to find a "W map of Chernarus" and combine them, otherwise if you find let's say "NW Map of Chernarus" then you need to find NE, SW & SE to combine and create one over-all map that you open by hot linking to your quick slots. For example, NW will combine with NE, SW combines with SE to make N and S, then combine both, or E and W...
  17. Excellent first post, here's the link to your friend also; In-game names are the same as Steam names ;) http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198005723752 Don't consider yourself a bandit or a KoS' either, you're one of the good guys ;) I consider myself and my group to be bandit hunters, defending ourselves against those who shoot first. I just need to get the right structure and communications going for tactical gameplay, before we move down Balota with snipers and ground troops to clear out all the bandits and help the fresh spawns. I hope you don't mind if I add you on steam.
  18. colinm9991

    Found some Hacker. Got his name.

    So what exactly is going on here? One of you say that the entities are not hacked in, yet there's only five (roughly) players in the server which leaves no other AI?
  19. colinm9991

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Never knew that worked, we usually just eat it raw and chug water, no time to stop in this crazy world :P P.S; "(I am NOT DevilDog from youtube. Sorry folks)", thank god for that; that youtube guy is an idiot!
  20. colinm9991

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Prepare yourselves, here come the "WHERE DID YOU GET NVG'S?!" posts. Nice pictures though.
  21. colinm9991

    Silly KOSer (just one, not all of you)

    I was in a group of 9 while ago at the airfield, we heard shots snap by so we thought we had encountered another group that were shooting at us.. One f***ing guy on his own with an M4 and large backpack, trying to take on a group of 9 that were in formation and spread out. Back to call of duty for that idiotic little KoS kiddy.
  22. colinm9991

    First day, first time playin

  23. colinm9991

    The RV engine is the worst engine ever made.

    Real Virtuality engine has some nice features, it has nice maps, nice bullet physics (ArmA 2, DayZ SA Accuracy is absolutely crap). The Real Virtuality has absolutely crap rendering; every game developed by Bohemia Interactive on that engine has severe performance issues. ArmA 3 was a huge disappointment, I didn't even know that it went from Alpha to Full Release, there is 10% of the content that ArmA 2 contains. DayZ Standalone is indeed Alpha, but I highly doubt that the bugs from ArmA 2, ArmA 3, including the performance issues; will ever be fixed. Some game bugs might be fixed (hopefully) such as the ridiculous accuracy that is almost never on point after 100 meters with the M4, and 700 meters with the Mosin. It would have been very nice to see this game developed on lets say, Cry Engine 3. Real Virtuality is very immersive however, that's the best thing about it. Hideous engine, but good immersion and environment.
  24. colinm9991


    Update your computer drivers. What the hell is going on with the Permanent "weapon change" bug animation people see when you take out your compass? My bullets don't even register on other players because somebody might see me doing that animation where I see myself aiming normally. Instead the game throws off my shots because it thinks that my gun is on my back.